If you're not accustomed to blogging every day, you learn that coming up with a daily blog post is hard work. I've been blogging daily for almost ten years, and it's still hard work. But hard work isn't the only factor behind blogging: you have to keep your heart in it.
Easier said than done, isn't it?
You're going to have days when you sit at the computer and say, "you know, I don't want to blog today. I just want to sit here and watch cat videos on YouTube." And that's okay: we all get that way sometimes. The trick is to have your blog stuff done first. How can you do that?
Build up a backlog. On days when you feel like you could write all day, write a few extra blog posts. If you have a pretty set schedule every day (Monday's Music Moves Me, Top Ten Tuesday etc.), it's pretty easy to do that. If you don't have a set schedule, find blog topics that have no "expiration date" and accumulate a pile of those, sitting in "draft" status, ready to release when you need to.
Re-run previous posts. When you need a post and don't have one, find a post you've run previously and run it again as an "encore presentation." In fact, find a bunch of your best posts when you have some "down time" and keep them in reserve. When you re-run them, make it obvious that it's an encore.
Be honest. There have been one or two times when I just couldn't get the lead out and told my readers "Sorry, no blog today."
Are there some techniques you use when you have a post due and have trouble getting it out?
MASTER LIST https://tinyurl.com/w54yupwe
Hop to as many blogs in the challenge as possible. Grow and strengthen the community.Please follow us!

These tips work for me...
Great tips! I admire you for your perseverance. I had no idea that you blogged daily - what an achievement!
I love that you mentioned to run previous posts. It just so happens that that is exactly what I did today... a little blog jumping. I even think you are mentioned in the blog hop, John.
Honorable Mentions!
I like to schedule my posts ahead of time.
Ronel visiting for H: My Languishing TBR: H
I have done all of those!
Tim Brannan, The Other Side blog
2024 A to Z of Dungeons & Dragons, Celebrating 50 Years of D&D
Good tips, Ronel. Especially building up a backlog.
Write on:)
I used to blog daily on both my personal and my author blog. That petered out quite some time ago. I doubt I will ever go back but these are some great tips!
Great advice!
Doing what you love is really important, and keeping that love is really difficult.
The A to Z of Me and my inspirations
As is the world, so are the gods of the Sovereign Host. As the gods are, so is the world. A world shaped by civilization…
"H is for the Sovereign Host and the structure that faith provides" celebrating #Eberron20 alongside the #AtoZ challenge and the #RPGBlogCarnival
(article in Spanish)
I really appreciate the blog tips theme for the main blog this year. I got signed up late and had to catch up with some back dated posts but I'm caught up now and my cats are learning to pose with my props much better than they did at first. :) Here's a link to my A to Z posts for this year: https://megakaosdesigns.wordpress.com/stock-photos/blog-events/a-to-z-challenge/a-to-z-2024/
I run a daily blog so I'm use to posting every day (I have 2 other reviewers so I don't have to write the posts every day just formatting and graphics). What I'm finding disheartening with the challenge is the lack of comments.
Hard work and here is mine for H, http://specialmomsblog.mom/2024/04/09/highways-hershey-and-houston/
If I have the energy going I'll get one or two more ready to go, sometimes just the basics and I can post as is or add to it. If that day I DID have enough energy I'll work on another...always trying to just keep it moving! But I do always tell myself (although I'm not sure why because I don't listen to me) that it is not my job to keep the internet moving. I'm retired.
These are certainly great tips. Thanks for sharing. My letter H posts (for my 3 blogs!) have yet to go up...and now it's time for "I". LOL
I've done the A-Z before, so I did write the majority of the posts in advance. But I left them all in rough draft form, didn't even check for typos. So I'm doing that and putting the links in as each day comes. The first year I did this blog, I wrote each blog post off the top of my head, day by day through April. This year I wanted to do it with book reviews, and I knew there'd be a few letters making the month difficult. I had to search a bit to find a book that I might be interested in that started with X and some of the other letters. I guess that's part of the fun. Through my theme for this blog, I have come across a few new authors that I'll be adding into my favorites list. :-) I've also met some new bloggers, and that's always fun.
Thank you for the great tips in keeping up with blogging.
Haier - Hefei Plant - Industrial Engineering 4.0 - Industry 4.0 WEF-McKinsey Lighthouse
#Productivity #CostReduction #IndustrialEngineering #AtoZChallenge #Industry40
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