I is for Inspiration!
Where do you find your inspiration for the A to Z Challenge?
I find it in the everyday moments that spark my attention. I find it in the quiet times and the loud times. I find it in the in-betweens.
Where do you find your inspiration to keep blogging all year long?
This is my struggle. I love doing the A to Z Challenge. (I've tried other challenges, but none of them have grabbed me like A to Z has.) But I struggle to post consistently throughout the other 11 months. Some years I do great, others, not as much. Bringing on a co-blogger to keep me accountable definitely helps! What keeps you inspired all year long?
MASTER LIST https://tinyurl.com/w54yupwe
Hop to as many blogs in the challenge as possible. Grow and strengthen the community.Please follow us!

My I post - a little late in the day - but done :) https://www.ladyinreadwrites.com/ink-borders-so-theyre-in-the-past-and-moving-to-the-inspiring-innovative-future/
I prefer the energy of the A-Z to just to most of my blogging in April, doing one post a month the rest of the year (outside of my podcast, of course).
Ronel visiting for I: My Languishing TBR: I
While Eberron is a world of pulp action and adventure, it is also inspired by the dark and uncertain tone of film noir.
I is for the Intrigue and true intentions of allies who are actually villains
(article in Spanish)
Ingrasys - Taoyuan, Taiwan Plant - Industrial Engineering 4.0 - WEF - McKinsey Light House Plant
#Productivity #CostReduction #IndustrialEngineering #AtoZChallenge #Industry40
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