Sign-up for the challenge! ***https://forms.gle/41PjgHFL4zwnM2Am7 ***
You! Yes you! Welcome to the April A to Z Blogging Challnege! CHALLENGE is in the title for a reason. You have taken it on, and that is amazing! Whether you see it through or not, whether you are preparing or pantsing, whether you are a first-time blogger or a returning participant - you are doing great!
Just joining A to Z is a great step. You might not finish this year. You might come back next year anyway. That is okay. We are all here, CHEERING you on!
Are you setting an extra challenge for yourself this year?
A THEME can be an added challenge! A lot of people do it. It makes selecting each letter a bit more tricky, but it also gives your readers something to come back for.
PANTSING can be a challenge too. It makes you write regularly every day - write fast and with enthusiasm. Good job!
PLANNING is also a challenge, because it takes foresight and preparation. Well done!
You may also challenge yourself to VISIT others during the month of April, reading their posts and cheering them on. That also takes time and effort, and we are very grateful if you do it!
Are you setting an extra challenge for yourself?
Tell us all about it in the comments!
And if not - don't sweat it! Just by participating in A to Z, you are already doing a whole lot! :) Pat yourself on the back!


@AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge
MASTER LIST https://tinyurl.com/w54yupwe
Hop to as many blogs in the challenge as possible. Grow and strengthen the community.Please follow us!

You’re right about when you have a theme it is tricky matching the theme to the alphabet. I’m still stuck on a couple of letters. It’s been fun and I’m enjoying the comments from new-to-me bloggers.
I have had a few letters I cannot match and have had to repeat a previous letter but luckily mine is a double challenge so the second theme - poetry forms - carries the day...
CEAT - Halol, India Plant - Industrial Engineering 4.0 - WEF - McKinsey Light House Plant.
#Productivity #CostReduction #IndustrialEngineering4 #AtoZChallenge
I am doing a theme.
But sorry to be a bit bitter:
Is there some sort of A-Z police? I have - from the Master List - visited more blogs not participating, and some where I cannot comment without creating a (Disqus) account.
And Your master list link still takes me to URL shortener Homepage :( Here's a working link:
Link to the A - Z Master List
Working short link to sign up: https://forms.gle/41PjgHFL4zwnM2Am7
Hi Charlotte.
Sorry about that. As I move through the list this week, I'll mark those not participating and send them to the captain to be removed. I hate it when I go through the list and encounter these things, too.
A challenge indeed.
Ronel visiting for C: My Languishing TBR: C
Unsettling Changelings
In Eberron, Cyre is many things, but one is crucial: it's the place where the Mourning happened, and nobody knows why.
"C is for Cyre and unresolved mysteries"
(article in Spanish)
Thanks for the cheering. Here is mine for today. http://specialmomsblog.mom/2024/04/03/cleveland-choir-to-a-columbus-and-a-competition-in-chennai/
I'm not sure whom to contact about correcting something on the list. I'm at work and couldn't find email addresses for Arlee or J. Lenni. Under my entry #121, it somehow says "yes" for adult content when it should say "no." Is someone able to fix this for me? I'd appreciate it!
My challenge to myself was to get the most out of the hop by reading blogs outside my box. So I've gotten myself set to read at least 5 new blogs a day. I've already found great new voices to follow. Idea-ist@GetLostInLit
Where can I find the theme for 2024?
I say the biggest challenge is visiting all, or most, of the other participants! First each day I visit my regulars (some met here in past years), then the ones I visit each April, then I add a few new ones. If a blog hasn't posted any A, or mention they are running late, I don't come back.
I have plenty to read as it is!
I do some planning, but mostly I fly by the seat of my pants. There are so many interesting entries this year, and visiting them is the biggest challenge of the, well, challenge! I'm trying not to get behind.
Please don’t remove people from the master list until sign ups are over. That is unfair. I just signed up and had to get everything set up before I could start posting.
I added myself again. How did I get removed? Please don't remove me.
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