Monday, April 29, 2024

Zoooom #AtoZChallenge 2024

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter Z #AtoZChallenge2024 badge1

You made it! Welcome to the last day of the Challenge! 


Are you feeling tired?
Are you feeling accomplished?
Are you feeling motivated?
All of those?
Some of those?

Pat yourself on the back! Good job!

If you are feeling the momentum, zoom on! Join us for Reflections, and then for the A to Z Road Trip! Watch this blog for more information next week!



Hop to as many blogs in the challenge as possible. Grow and strengthen the community.

Please follow us!

Instagram     Facebook logo @atozchallenge
X Twitter #atoZchallengeTwitter X @AprilA2Z @AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge

Sunday, April 28, 2024

You Can Do This #AtoZChallenge 2024

#AtoZChallenge2024 badge1

You can do this.

Keep that in mind as the month – and the challenge – draws to a close.

You can do this.

Far beyond April, your blog needs you to keep on writing and posting.

You can do this.

Write about things that interest you. Write about things you love.

You can do this.

After a month of consistent blogging, you know what you like and dislike; you’ve found your style.

You can do this.

You’ve read and commented on so many blogs, you know what works and what doesn’t (for you and others).

You can do this.

Now: become your favourite blogger.

How did your month of blogging go? What did you learn about yourself?

Please follow us!

Instagram     Facebook logo @atozchallenge
X Twitter #atoZchallengeTwitter X @AprilA2Z @AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge

Saturday, April 27, 2024

X--Means We're Almost Done ( #AtoZChallenge )

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter X #AtoZChallenge2024 badge1

      What else needs to be said at this point?  We're almost to the end!!!!

       Did you make it this far okay?   Will you finish on time?   Do you now see yourself as a bit of a blogging X-pert?


Hop to as many blogs in the challenge as possible. Grow and strengthen the community.

Please follow us!

Instagram     Facebook logo @atozchallenge
X Twitter #atoZchallengeTwitter X @AprilA2Z @AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge

Friday, April 26, 2024

Win This Year! #AtoZChallenge

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter W #AtoZChallenge2024 badge1

What blogging world do you wish we could have?
How are you making it happen?
Has this challenge helped you this year? 
Winner badges will post when the challenge ends. 
The Reflection post will be on May 2. That's when you let us know how everything went. 
What do you define as winning? Blogging the whole alphabet? Commenting on a certain number of blogs in the hop? 
What can you do today to get yourself that win?


Hop to as many blogs in the challenge as possible. Grow and strengthen the community.

Please follow us!

Instagram     Facebook logo @atozchallenge
X Twitter #atoZchallengeTwitter X @AprilA2Z @AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge

Thursday, April 25, 2024

V for Victory! #atozchallenge

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter V #AtoZChallenge2024 badge1

Seems like only yesterday it was April 1 and at the very beginning of the A to Z Challenge for 2024, and here we stand ready to wrap things up and put this year's Challenge to bed.

If you've gotten this far and are going to submit for the letter V, you're only four posts away from completing the challenge and earning that winner's badge! If you're trying to catch up, don't worry, we have faith in you that you'll come through and finish in a blaze of glory.

Whatever your status, we're proud of you and hope you had a chance to visit other blogs and enjoy what everyone else had to share. If you didn't, no worries! There's always the Road Trip to accomplish that. Details to follow!

Keep the faith! Just five more days to go!


Hop to as many blogs in the challenge as possible. Grow and strengthen the community.

Please follow us!

Instagram     Facebook logo @atozchallenge
X Twitter #atoZchallengeTwitter X @AprilA2Z @AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Unexpected #AtoZChallenge 2024

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter U #AtoZChallenge2024 badge1

Unexpected things emerge all the time during a challenge. Unexpected obstacles. Unexpected tasks to complete, unexpected reasons why you might be delayed, or might be kept from visiting as much as you'd like.

But let's focus on the times when the Unexpected brings something good into your challenge experience!

Unexpected themes that you fell in love with...

Unexpected compliments you got int he comments...

Unexpected new blogs you discovered and followed...

Unexpected connections on social media!

Share in the comments, and give shout-outs to your favorite unexpected discoveries this year!


Hop to as many blogs in the challenge as possible. Grow and strengthen the community.

Please follow us!

Instagram     Facebook logo @atozchallenge
X Twitter #atoZchallengeTwitter X @AprilA2Z @AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge

T is for Terrific (or Terrible)!

#AtoZChallenge2024 badge1

Are you feeling terrific or terrible today?

Some days, I feel terrific! I am confident in my writing, I'm getting great comments, and I know that my stories are touching people's lives.

Other days I feel terrible. I'm not happy with my writing, I'm not getting views (much less comments), and I think my stories are bad.

On any given day, I could answer the question, "How are you?" with either terri- word. Sometimes it's terrific and sometimes it's terrible. But even on the terrible days, I can't give up! Especially when it comes to this point in the A to Z Challenge, some of us (many of us, maybe) are just keeping our head above water. We are lucky to get our posts published on time, much less get to other blogs. So if you're not feeling terrific, hang in there, keep posting, go out and comment on others' blogs, and hopefully you can turn it around into something terrific.

~Jayden R. Vincente
Erotic Fiction Author (adults only please!)


Hop to as many blogs in the challenge as possible. Grow and strengthen the community.

Please follow us!

Instagram     Facebook logo @atozchallenge
X Twitter #atoZchallengeTwitter X @AprilA2Z @AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge