It’s easy as 1 2 3
Do Re Mi
That’s how easy
blogging should be.
Okay, so I totally messed up the song [which you can watch
here or listen to the original here or the Glee version here] and you’re going
to have an earworm for the rest of the day, but it’s true: blogging shouldn’t
be hard; it should be easy.
Writing about what interests you should be fun, it should be
easy to deal with and shouldn’t make you want to sit on your shower floor fully
dresses, rocking back-and-forth, crying while the water beats down on you.
Personally, I blog about what interests me (mainly
folklore). Is it as easy as sitting down and tapping away at the keyboard? No.
My posts take hours of research and reading and going down fascinating rabbit
holes to create – but I enjoy every moment of it. Just finding the right music
video to link to for this post was educational – and fun!
And that’s the key to sustainable blogging: love for what
you do.
It’s easy as 1 2 3
Do Re Mi
That’s how easy
blogging should be.
What aspect of blogging do you love/enjoy/find easy?
Please follow us!

What aspect of blogging do you love/enjoy/find easy?
All of it! Time consuming, yes, but I love taking photos for my gardening posts, and researching my thrift store "treasures" for the weekly post on my finds. Recently (thanks to a recent post here about what blog hops people participate in) I re-found my love of stamps and postcards! I also have a poetry blog, and I love and enjoy writing poetry. Now, maybe that isn't as easy. Especially coming up with A to Z for it!
It helps that I don't work anymore, so have time for blogging.
Bloging, lol. Unfortunately I have chronic migrains though, so doing it on a regular schedule isn't always easy. I mostly do personal stuff though, which is very easy.
Hi Ronel, Could you go to the Settings and turn on the HTTPS feature to secure this blog's web address.
I'm participating in the A-Z and want to put the banner on my blog, but I also am concerned about this being an unsecured web address so I don't want to link to it until it's secure.
Thanks, Jenny @ PEARSON REPORT
Hi Auntie Ronel.
We love blogging because it’s fun. It’s sometimes hard to find something to write, but I usually manage.
Thanks for starting the A to Z today.
Locksley @ George's GP World
I grew up listening to Alastair Cooke's Letter from America and - since he wrote the letters down before reading them out for sending back to England to broadcast, I regard him as the progenitor of blogging and myself a humble descendant...
Interested in going down a rabbit hole with me today, check out my posts:
Ronel visiting for A: My Languishing TBR: A
Abominable Wraiths
Has anyone found a working link to the master list?
My A post on Authors you should read https://www.spiritblog.net/authors-you-should-read-a/
FYI, I have tried to gain access to the master list but cannot get it to work. Assistance would be greatly appreciated.
For me, it is the writing, I love my topics and will write about them anyway. But what makes me blog this instead of just keeping a journal is the interaction with others. I love comments and people's thoughts.
So this is a great time for me because this Challenge lets me interact with a different audience.
Tim Brannan, The Other Side blog
2024 A to Z of Dungeons & Dragons, Celebrating 50 Years of D&D
Hey, I'd like to see the list of sign ups to click on and read their posts! It's kinda weird to promote this so much then not have any kind of way to see who is participating and click over to their blogs.
I love writing, period. Over the years I've had a lot of different blogs for different reasons. I currently still have 3 personal, 1 author, and some post at Medium.
I stress about what people will think but less than I used to. I am really stressing about this year's A-Z. I've done a lot of flash fiction, but never a serialized story using chosen words for each letter. The story is already way off from anything I would normally write. Eeep! (tackling the letter S today)
For me, I love to write. It cleans out those cobwebs from my mind.
Writing. I love it. I don't get to do enough of it because day job and that's why I joined this challenge. Thank you for hosting this! Can't wait to see the rest of your alphabets.
Bloging is hard for me as a rate blood courier. I still try ... just like I am trying to find the Master List. Perhaps I should enlist the aid of Indiana Jones. https://rolandyeomans.blogspot.com/2024/03/a-is-for-april-1st-and-outlaw-trail.html
I started this year celebrating my favorite campaign setting for Dungeons & Dragons: Eberron, which is 20 years old!
"A es por el Artífice y el rol de la magia en la sociedad"
I agree it should be fun. I'm not the most consistent blogger, but I try not to burn myself out when I'm supposed to be talking about what I like. Idea-ist@GetLostInLit
The link is here:
I was able to gain access to it, but it's a google sheet. Accessibility is fickle. Having to go into screenreader focus mode just to navigate a list of links isn't the best thing.
HI! I'm back for 2024 with book quotes. Anna Karenina Quotes
- Joy
Here is my first post with the theme travel and I am a personal blogger. In fact it has got my 80 year old Dad motivated and has started guessing what the next day would be. http://specialmomsblog.mom/2024/04/01/anagadipuram-to-abington-and-more/
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