Thursday, February 1, 2024

Fall in Love with Blogs and Blog Hops Again!

February the Month Of Love: Image by Freepik

February is often thought of as the month of love. Here at the A to Z Blog Challenge, we're falling in love with Blogs and Blog Hops again! With my own blog, I have found my attention to it waxes and wanes throughout the year. I try so hard to keep updating it consistently, and I have definitely found that my best success has been through the community of bloggers (and the support of my husband and co-blogger!) and I am very much looking forward to my next round of A to Z Challenge posts to keep my momentum going!

So tell us, what are your favorite blog hops or blog challenges that you participate in throughout the year?

~Jayden R. Vincente
Erotic Fiction Blogger (adults only!)


Idea-ist @ GetLostinLit said...

TopTenTuesday, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Every tuesday there's a bookish theme and participants have to make a list to share based on that subject.

Liz A. said...

Thursday 13 over at Every Thursday you make a list of 13. It can be anything.

My Shasta Home said...

I do a Wednesday Hodgepodge that is fun. Here is the blog that runs it. I'm really looking forward to the April challenge. I'm getting my posts together now so I don't have to stress. It's all supposed to be fun.

Jamie Ghione said...

I'm doing this for the first time. This has been round several years.

Wendy said...

I definitely wax and wane too but I've just completed the Just Jot it January challenge which I've been doing since 2017. I've been doing the A-Z since 2015 and I often dip into weekly blog hops such as the Wednesday Hodgepodge, SoCS and also a gratitude post on Fridays.

Mail Adventures said...

My blog is mostly about snail mail, and I participate in two weekly challenges hosted by See It on a Postcard blog:

-Sunday Stamps: a post showing stamps related to a given theme. Every one can interpret the theme any way they wish.
-Thursday Postcard Hunt: it is more or less the same, but about postcards, every Thursday.

It is not necessary to participate every week, of course, and everyone is welcome.

Lisa said...

Sunday is Shadow Shot Sunday, a photo of shadows or a shadow - hosted by me
Wednesday is Wordless Wednesday -
Thursday is Thursday Thirteen (13 of anything)
Friday is Sky Watch Friday (photo of something in the sky or of the sky) -

Once a month, on the 15th, is Garden Bloggers Bloom Day -

Then... for my poetry blog,
Friday (on and off for me) is a prompt (or whatever you want) -
Tuesday is Tanka Tuesday -

There are others I join in once in a while.

Astrid said...

I want to share #WeekendCoffeeShare here. I don't participate nearly every week but it's a great hop. This is hosted by Natalie at:

Deniz Bevan said...

The A to Z is a favourite! I also love the Insecure Writer's Support Group <3

Alana said...

I participate in blog hops several times a week (I blog daily). I enjoy Music Moves Me, a music blog hop every Monday which has several co-hosts. It doesn't have a home URL but right now the most active co-host is Cathy Kennedy over at Curious as a Cathy I also participate in Skywatch Friday and Lisa's Shadowshot Sunday, and finally Sandee's Wordless Wednesday

Mystee said...

This has been my only one for 2023 and 2024. There used to be so many active ones years ago. I guess I need to try to find a few good ones and start participating again

Frewin55 said...

Although my general posts wane outside of April, this year I undertook a personal review of AI and found a new lease of life posting poetry, mostly for dVerse Poets Pub and I also took part in Cascadia Poetics Poetry Postcard Festival in which you send an unedited, spontaneous poem on the back of a postcard to 31 strangers. I mostly turned photographs I have taken into postcards - it was a great challenge and the activity spread over 3 months in all...

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

April A to Z. I am back here in time.
100+ hits today. Happy.
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