Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Happy Book Lovers Day!

August 9th is Book Lovers Day, widely celebrated around the world (or at least on the Internet). Since a lot of our A to Z challenge participants are authors or book bloggers, we though it would be nice to acknowledge this cheerful and bookish day.



If you have a book that was born from an A to Z theme, please drop links in the comments!

To celebrate, I wanted to share my favorite reading challenge with you. There are a lot of amazing reading challenges out there - please share YOUR favorites in the comments!

The challenge I have been enjoying the most in the past years is run on a Hungarian book site (moly.hu) by community members. It's called Polymath Training. Every January they announce 12 topics that participants have to read freely selected nonfiction books for. Topics range widely from astronomy to animation to church history to classical music. 11 topics are the same, the 12th is generated randomly for each participant (using Wiki articles). I have found amazing books through this challenge that I would have never found (or been interested in) otherwise, and I learned a whole lot of fascinating things about the world. Whenever I finish the list early, I usually generate some more topics for myself just for the heck of it. There really are no prizes or anything, just the adventure of discovery.

Whatever your genres and tastes are, I hope you have a great time reading today! :)


Damyanti Biswas said...

Happy belated Book Lovers Day! I've never heard of the Polymath Training challenge before -- it sounds interesting, thank you for sharing! My books haven't really been based on an A to Z theme, but I do like the alliteration between The Blue Bar and The Blue Monsoon. Happy reading to you, too!

Ivo said...

Happy Book Lovers Day to you too!

On the topic of reading challenges, one that I've particularly enjoyed is the "Read Around the World" challenge. The aim is to read a book from an author of every nationality over a year. It's a beautiful journey through cultures and perspectives.

Thank you for sharing your love for books and introducing us to such a fascinating challenge. May we all keep discovering and learning. Happy reading! 📖✨

Find Meaning in Adversity said...

Hello! Just stumbled across this blog after following many different "rabbit holes" of the great wide web. I love when I meet fellow book lovers.

As for me, my favorite genre of book to read is Memoir because I love hearing about the struggles and adversity that others have overcome in their life and what they learned and how it changed them. In fact I am currently writing my own memoir and maintain my own blog titled Find Meaning in Adversity . I look forward to reading more about the A to Z challenge!

Jayden R. Vincente said...

Happy very belated Booklovers day! My novel Y is for Yes was born from A to Z! I wrote the first scene of 26 different stories for each letter of the alphabet. My readers voted on their favorites each week. Then in May I continued four stories. In June I continued two of those. In July, I wrote Y is for Yes. It was fun!
