Monday, May 1, 2023

Did You Win! Tell Us About It! Reflections #AtoZChallenge 2023


      If you managed to make it to the end of the alphabet in the 2023 April Blogging from A to Z  Challenge then you've earned bragging rights.  Go ahead and grab a winner's badge to slap on your own blog page to show everybody that you did it.  Thanks to our graphics star for providing us a handsome trophy to brighten our blog pages.   

     And Congratulations to all of our A to Z Winners!

      Now grab a badge and move on down the page to the next little hop.

Winner Badge

#AtoZChallenge 2023 Winner


         Ever since the very first A to Z Challenge in 2010 there has been a tradition of sharing a "Reflections" post to tell of our own experiences and what we gained from them.  It's a good time to remind readers of what you posted in April and to find out what great posts you might have missed and will want to go back to check on.   After all, A to Z ain't over until you think it's over and for some of us it's an all the time way of thinking.  

         We're hoping that each A to Z participant will tell us how this past April went for them.  Let us know what was good as well as any recommendations to make the Challenge better in the years to come. We would especially like to know if the posts with the lists were useful to you. Is there anything you'd change? Anything you'd advocate keeping? How can our team keep you coming back for more and get you to invite friends to this blogging community? Please, give us your thoughts as part of your A to Z Reflections Post.  You can use the badge below to adorn that post.

       >>> Drop the direct link to your Reflections Post here and hop to the responses here. <<<

        Thank you to all!

#AtoZChallenge 2023 Reflections

Graphics #AtoZChallenge

The Road-Trip kicks off next week. And there will be a post on this blog every month for the rest of the year. 

March 10, 2024, will be our next Theme Reveal.

Follow us on social media all year, because we have fun posts planned.


Instagram Facebook logo @atozchallenge
Twitter @AprilA2Z @AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge
Please follow us on social media.


Jamie Ghione said...

Hi, I mistakenly linked to this post when I signed up. I have since resubmitted with the correct link to my post. Can you please delete my previous entry? Thanks.

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

I had fun, that's the important part.

Ronel visiting for Reflecting on a Double A-Z Challenge 2023

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

For the next year, I want to open the blog posts of A to Z now itself (over the year and keep updating them) and then talk more of them during April 2024. April has to be more interaction time. So doing the writing before and even publishing them before would make the full A to Z list ready before April.

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

Reflections by NRao - 2023 A to Z Blogging Challenge Participation - #AtoZChallenge
#IndustrialEngineering #productivity #CostReduction

Pradeep Nair said...

It was good fun. There are some blogs that I haven't been able to visit. Hope to do that in the coming days.

Maria L. Berg said...

The AtoZ Challenge this year inspired me to look at my study of contradictory abstract nouns in a new way that I really enjoyed. Here is my April review post:

Molly's Canopy said...

Great challenge and thanks to the team for keeping it going. Suggestion, which was unclear on my blog post: It might be worth considering having a button somewhere on the AtoZ website that says "Master List" and links to the master list spreadsheet, so it's larger and more visible than the current link. Otherwise, great fun!

Tamara said...

I participated for the 9th time this year, and as always it was nice to meet some new bloggers and reconnect with old friends.

As for your Master List question, personally I prefer the actual Excel file.
Thank you for keeping this challenge going!

Crackerberries said...

Finished the challenge strong.


Frewin55 said...

Another really enjoyable month of madness...

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Congratulations,, and well done everybody! I noted the date of March 10, 2024 ;))

kjscrim said...

WE MADE IT!! YAY us! I was happy to have found a couple of new blogs to follow and am looking forward to the rest of the year. I am keyed up to get both of my blogs back on track with regular posts (I only participated with one of them). Great fun everyone!

Frewin55 said...

Not sure whether to wait for the Roadtrip sign up as this is really an extension of my reflections post - here goes anyway...

Lady In Read said...

Here is my reflections post -