Up to this point, if you've been keeping up with all of your daily letter posts, you've been utilizing your writing skills. "But it's just blogging," you might say. It's still writing just like writing a letter or an entry in your life journal is writing. Writing is writing the way I see it and it's up to the writer as to how good the writing is.
Undoubtedly you've read--or are at least aware of books consisting of letters written by some author or some significant person of the past. Why were those letters saved and treasured? They probably were a window into a past history which made them interesting or even important to readers years later. And often they consisted of good writing or writing that was somehow worth preserving for posterity.
Sometimes we are just hacking out posts to have content on our blog sites. It's writing nevertheless. And it's up to each of us to make that writing as good as we can. Some of our posts might be akin to first drafts for some future work we might write. Or they might be masterpieces waiting to be discovered by readers. They might be just the thing that some reader out there has been waiting to find--the idea or experience that connects them to a writer they may likely never meet in person.
If you've made it successfully to this point in the A to Z Challenge then you need to congratulate yourself. As long as you've been persistent and dedicated with your posting, you have utilized your writing skills and that is a good thing for anyone--especially anyone who thinks of themselves as a writer. In the past, A to Z has spawned books and other projects. Who knows where your A to Z blog posts might take you.
Once you've made it through the alphabet by blogging you can continue on to face new writing challenges. Perhaps it will help you blog better. Maybe you'll even want to come back for more A to Z blogging like so many have done for over a decade now.
Just a few more posts to go and then you can start planning for next year. You might even publish something as a result of your participation in this year's Challenge. Keep going to the end! You can do this!
Have you ever published something as a result of your A to Z participation? Do you think blogging helps you to be a better writer? Do you still write letters?
This one could also be named "utterly unbelievably disgusting "
U is for Unwanted
I don't know why more people don't either reply to the excellent posts here each day or post the links to their own offerings - either way, they are missing out...
You are right Arlee, blog posts are the letters of our age, as well as writings in their own right, be they essays, poems, autobiographical, political rants, erotic fantasies, or any of the other possibilities so ably demonstrated in the A to Z each year. Yes, some are better written than others but still they are windows into another's soul...
My offering today is
An upbeat post, Arlee! I have been told that some of my emails are like letters! This could be my shortest A to Z post: https://suestrifles.wordpress.com/2023/04/25/uzziah-and-isaiah-atozchallenge/
U…I can see the light at the end of the tunnel
Yes we’re almost at the wire now… the end… and burnout has in the daily writing. I do feel I look at writing much differently than when I began over 10 years ago. Now I look more at my words and how they’re used and not over use
Thank you for posting this today! I needed to be reminded that the reason I took up the Challenge again this year was that I wanted to get back into writing now that I'm retired and have more time to devote to it. This exercise was to jump-start me into that project. But when I was feeling that I hadn't produced many entries of worth, your post reminded me that the writing of them was worth doing for the purpose I intended if nothing more. And I truly think it has accomplished its goal, while being an enjoyable occupation for me this month. I appreciate the encouragement!
Lee, YES YES AND YES to all three of your questions. I love this time of the year...it gives so much encouragement. Thank you for keep it going ... I appreciate you. Sometimes we have to wonder if we are User-Friendly or Uncomfortable and while we are thinking about that, maybe we can break some Unleavened bread
Blogging has definitely made me a better writer.
Ronel visiting for U:
My Languishing TBR: U
Underrated Hecate
tried to utilize those skills in combining many prompts today for one poem -
Here we go again U for Uncle Scrooge
Today I talked about Use and Urge: https://experiencewriting.com/2023/04/25/poetry-month-challenges-day-25-urge-and-use/
I was wondering if I'd get this far. The A to Z was actually my challenge to myself. If I completed it I'd continue blogging but if I couldn't complete it, then it was time to hang in the blogging tools and try something new. Turns out, I still have some things to write about. Thanks for this challenge.
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