Friday, April 21, 2023

S is for Surprises (#AtoZChallenge)

Even with the best laid plans and the best preparation, SURPRISES can happen. Our resilience is constantly tested when we face something we absolutely did not expect or prepare for. Case in point: I thought as I was all prepared for this month... and then my phone went down. And then the internet. And both proved to be a lot harder to fix than anticipated. And suddenly, keeping up with the Challenge became harder.

What do we do when SURPRISE pops out of nowhere? Well, if we are resilient, we deal with it. Here is a piece of advice that was very meaningful to me, and helpful in dealing with "WHAT IF?" anxieties. I'd like to share it, maybe it will help you too:

You CAN'T prepare for everything. You can't have a plan for every possible event. What you CAN do is build your resilience: take care of yourself, build up your reserves of energy, mental strength, physical wellbeing. So when the unexpected DOES happen (and it will), you have the reserves to deal with it.

Some surprises are not fun. But some of them are. Did you come across any FUN surprises during this year's Challenge? :)

I personally was delightfully surprised by a lot of great themes this year.

Keep up the good work, you are doing great! :)


ladyleemanila said...

weejars said...

Some surprising shadows

S is for Shifting Shapes

songbird's crazy world said...

Surprises can be fun. Or scary.

Susan Sanderson said...

You may be surprised how short, but significant my S post is.

Frewin55 said...

Often, as with writing fiction, I had no idea what I would discover when researching and would then incorporate in my posts or what would come up in comments - but that's the fun of it...

jabblog said...

I've discovered some surprising things; for example, some bumblebees can fly at 9.3 mph compared to a human walking at 3 to 4 mph.

Crackerberries said...

It's just another Step in time
and sometimes you need a jumpstart with some Sourdough Starter


kaykuala said...

Here we go again, S for Spongebob


Jennifer (UnfoldAndBegin) said...

You surprised made and made me panic a little when I saw the publish date for your S post as Friday, not Saturday. I checked your R and saw it was also published on Friday. Phew! I thought I was a day behind.

Anne M Bray said...

The S shoe sketch includes a partial Selfie:

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

I was surprised by some themes that I found quite interesting.

Ronel visiting for S:
My Languishing TBR: S
Speedy Steeds

Donna B. McNicol said...

Last month brought severe weather that meant a new roof, and one of our dogs had surgery and a couple weeks later had to have another emergency surgery. Our pocketbook groaned... But you just deal, you have no choice. Resilience.

Donna McNicol - My A to Z Blogs
DB McNicol - Small Delights, Simple Pleasures, and Significant Memories
My Snap Memories - My Life in Black & White

Deborah Weber said...

I'm experiencing the surprise challenge of illness during this A-to-Z, but am equally surprised at how resilient I find myself.

Miss Andi said...

I got a surprise assignment at work that definitely tests my resilience :) but surprisingly I was able to finish next week's posts in an unexpected way that however will close the month just the right way.

In the shadow of getting what you wish for

Lady In Read said...

yes, life did throw some surprising curves and detours which led to a day's delay in posting for the letter S !!

Angel17 said...

I agree that some surprises are fun and some are not. Alberta Wedding Venues