Friday, April 21, 2023

R is for Resistant (#atozchallenge)

#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter R

This clip from The Big Bang Theory Tells you almost all you need to know about the difference between resilient and resistant.

We see Sheldon, Leonard, Raj, and Howard with a complex logic problem mapped out on the white board in Leonard and Sheldon's apartment. It turns out that they are trying to choose a restaurant and a movie theater for that night's entertainment. The reason the process is so involved is because Leonard, Raj, and Howard are trying to satisfy Sheldon's demand that the theater has an Icee machine and sells Red Vines at the candy counter. They try multiple alternatives, all of which are met with Sheldon's resistance. Finally, they reach the only conclusion: leave Sheldon at home and go out without him.

Leonard, Raj, and Howard are resilient: they just want to get something to eat and go see a movie. Sheldon, who once commented that "as long as everything is exactly the way I want it, I can be flexible," is being resistant: he's willing to forgo dinner and a movie with his friends rather than settle for Twizzlers and a Slurpee.

If you've watched The Big Bang Theory from the beginning, you know that there are a lot of moments like this, where plans for an entertaining night are stymied by Sheldon's truculence. You wonder why they're willing to put up with him, an d the answer is simp[e: they're his friends.

There are good reasons to be resistant. Everyone has the hill they're willing to die on, although not necessarily over Red Vines and Icees. Sheldon is an extreme case, but we all do this. If you feel comfortable sharing, leave us a comment and let us know.


songbird's crazy world said...

Nice use of a video clip

weejars said...

R is for Reflection

ladyleemanila said...

good example :)

Frewin55 said...

"What hill would I be prepared to die on?" that is a good question and I am not sure that I would know until I was challenged by circumstances. If I think of my parents' generation being faced with the choice of fighting in WW2, doing an essential job or becoming a conscientious objector, I can see how difficult some choices are - so challenge me...

I am particularly pleased with today's post which took a lot of writing and tackles one of the hot topics of today - Robots and AI...

And now, inorder to post, I need to press a button that says "I'm not a robot" lol

Susan Sanderson said...

My theme is about someone, who died on a hill!

Crackerberries said...

I think we all have friends like Sheldon... and I think we all can be like Sheldon sometimes too. We want things our way. Kind of like these little Raccoons that have been visiting my yard. Maybe they want me to make them some Rosemary Lemon Cookies


Wendy said...

I can be resistant to a lot of things particularly if there's no clear answer to the "what if" question.

Wendy’s Waffle

Jennifer (UnfoldAndBegin) said...

I can sometimes be resistant to change, but not to the extent that Sheldon is. I work in an environment of change, and most times, I am resistant because it might make me uncomfortable to learn a new way. But the quicker I get on board, the easier it is.

Anne M Bray said...

The R shoe sketch:

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

Sheldon is hilarious. I should re-watch The Big Bang Theory.

Ronel visiting for R:
My Languishing TBR: R
The Original Riddler: The Sphinx

Lady In Read said...

Now i want to go watch that episode!! love the show..
here is my r post -

Donna B. McNicol said...

Great example! (I loved that show...)

My A to Z Blogs
DB McNicol - Small Delights, Simple Pleasures, and Significant Memories
My Snap Memories - My Life in Black & White

kaykuala said...

Here we Go Again R for Rocky


Dave Roller said...

I would also say that in Sheldon's own way, he is also being resilient. I do not fully accept the premise that resistance to change is the opposite of resilience. According to the 2nd definition of resilience by Merriam Webster It is "an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change. Certainly, Sheldon appears not to be able to adjust to change in this example. However, at the end of the sequence, he agrees with his friends that there was only one option and that was for them to go without him. He is thus able to recover from from and adjust easily from the disappointment of not being able to attend the movie. Therefore, Sheldon is also being resilient.