Please tell us you haven't given up!
Today I ran across a few blogs that seem to have stopped posting a few letters back. If that's you and you feel like you cannot catch up then let me say: "Yes you can!"
It's okay to fall behind a bit. But do not give up! Not yet.
Whatever you do though, be sure to have a good time. After all, it's just blogging.
Let us know how you're doing.
Not giving up but only one post away from pantsing it...
Pretty posting
P is for Patterns
Prepared in advance! https://suestrifles.wordpress.com/2023/04/19/peace-atozchallenge/
I've had this sense of "why?" regarding my need to write; thanks for getting me back on track!
Are we there yet?
I'm fighting Paper Cuts but having fun with Sausage and Potatoes and
I am around ... Blogging on "Chemicals in our daily life".
P for Palladium
Still posting
Bit of a battle but will get there. Just wish there was more time to visit other blogs.
Pis for Prison Slang : Australian Lingo
Plugging along (even my comment has the letter of the day!) The first week, I did find it easier because I was able to get ahead on the weekend, but this past weekend, I had plans on both days and now I'm basically posting the morning of. But I know what I want to post each day, so that's good.
How am I progressing? Perfectly. Today's pokey letter is brought to you by the Prickly Pear. https://arbitrarydustbunnies.com/2023/04/19/prickly-pear/
The P shoe sketch: https://repeatsamb.blogspot.com/2023/04/atozchallenge-2023-p-is-for-petrella.html
Q, however, is requiring some extra Qreativity...
I'm still behind on commenting, but I'm keeping up with my posts despite the internet not being reliable where I am.
Ronel visiting for P:
My Languishing TBR: P
Playful Phoukas
I fell behind in reading the blogs I'm following, today is catch up day!
Donna McNicol - My A to Z Blogs
DB McNicol - Small Delights, Simple Pleasures, and Significant Memories
My Snap Memories - My Life in Black & White
Here we go again, P for Power Puff Gils
plodding is what i feel i am doing now.. here is my P post - https://www.ladyinreadwrites.com/porus-the-powerful-the-peerless-protector-of-places-and-more/
Not given up yet!
Wendy’s Waffle
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