Monday, April 17, 2023

Nuts! No One Is Perfect! ( #AtoZChallenge)


        Sorry!   We are a little late with an 'N' post, but that's okay--this Challenge is about you and the posts on your blog.   We are here for presence and motivation.

       Leave your blog links below and let us know how things are going so far.


Crackerberries said...

First one here... well I saw another N post on the M comment so maybe I'm not the first one here...

Lee, you are so right, no one is perfect. What a perfect title for todays N challenge.
There is No Darkness when you are eating Naughty bread


songbird's crazy world said...

That’s cool

Donna B. McNicol said...

Things are rolling along - wishing I could gather some outside-of-a-to-z readers, but that's life.

Donna McNicol - My A to Z Blogs
DB McNicol - Small Delights, Simple Pleasures, and Significant Memories
My Snap Memories - My Life in Black & White

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

C'est la vie.

Ronel visiting for N:
My Languishing TBR: N
Nymphs of All Kinds

Frewin55 said...

Better late than never - we are a forgiving crowd...

Today's offering

KJ Scrim said...

I am doing better than expected. For some wonderful reason my posts have not been a struggle to write. Once I find a subject to write on the post just flows out. It's weird in a fantastic way! I think having the theme of Arbitrary helps because I'm not pigeon holed into a tighter subject. YAY.
Here's my post for that nutty letter N:

Maria L. Berg said...

My N post on need and nonsense:

Kristin said...

So far, so good. I wrote my offerings before hand, but have been tweaking some.
Today's post is about my grandmother's birthday cake recipe.

Misky said...

weejars said...

I've gone with a tenuous link today....

N is for Nearly Navy

ladyleemanila said...

we're still here :)

Susan Sanderson said...

Never mind, better late than never!

kaykuala said...

Here we go again, N for Naruto


Nancy Hill said...

Things are going well. I would like to be able to publish further ahead of time but I am now writing the post the evening before the letter begins and having it publish at 12:15 a.m of the day of the letter.

Yesterday's N post -

Today's O post -

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

Narayana Rao's Handbook of Industrial Engineering Knowledge - Lessons. 365+ Lessons and 75+ Case Studies.