Made it to the mid-month part of the Challenge!
Mid-month means we are halfway through this April's A to Z. How you doing so far? I've been seeing some great posts as well as some interesting creative thinking. Personally, I'm still working on my posts, but I have been managing to keep up with the daily schedule. Mixing up blogging with my day to day routine has been challenging, but--hey--that's why we call this a Challenge.
Some of you might be going through mayhem trying to keep up with everything, but then that might be the story of your life. This Alphabet Challenge is a test of your ability to organize and to see a project to its conclusion. A successful April might be a shining reflection of how you manage your life. Or it might be just the learning experience you've been needing to get your life work and goals together.
So, what's it been? Mayhem or mastery? Don't stop now. You can do this and you can do it well. It's just writing and blogging. You've made it to the middle of the journey so no point in stopping now. Not when you've gotten this far.
Let's keep up the momentum!
What's been your biggest challenge so far this April? If this is your first A to Z, is it pretty much what you had expected? If you're an A to Z veteran, how's this year's Challenge stacking up to previous years?
still enjoying this challenge, thanks :)
For today I found some "fun-gi"s...
M is for Mushrooms
Here we go again, M for Mickey,
The most masterful A to Z Challenge so far for me - I have completed up to "P", pictures and draft posts as well - In previous years I have definitely been "pantsing it" by now... So lots of replying to comments, visiting and commenting too!
My most manageable challenge so far. I had all the posts scheduled before April began, having decided not to be too ambitious this time. https://suestrifles.wordpress.com/2023/04/15/messiah-atozchallenge/
My N still needs work. O is written but no pics. Looks like Sunday will be very busy. Have to do the next week as going away for a couple of days. This is my 8th A to Z and loving every minute of it. Sorry if I am slipping on comments to others. Just running out of time!
Mostly I feel like mayhem is the story of my life. Always too much going on, yet if I wasn't pushing myself to do more, it wouldn't feel right. This year I'm doing double blogs so it's kind of a struggle where I don't have my posts ready but so far so good. Check out my mason jars and the magnificent meal I think both are right in line with our resilient theme.
Me again...see what I mean about MAYHEM? If you clicked on my mason jars link above, it takes you to yesterdays post. Here is today's post and I'm sorry. I also have not been very good at commenting...I'm a mess to say the least.
The real mason jars link
This is where the mayhem starts. I had most of the posts up till now pre-prepared as we had house guests for the last 10 days or so. Now I'm back to winging it (although I hope to get quite a few posts done over today and tomorrow). I've just managed to read back over all the A-Z team posts and catch up with my own blog friends so now I can start visiting new to me blogs from the master list.
My post for today is here: https://waffle-with-wendy.blogspot.com/2023/04/a-z-challenge-2023-m-is-for-miles.html
Good afternoon everybody!
Loads of mayhem!
Ronel visiting for M:
My Languishing TBR: M
Mystifying Muse
I'm not great at a-z challenges. Blogging daily is a huge challenge. My hat is off to you for doing it! :)
I got all mine schedule in advance so the mayhem is reading the daily posts for all the sites I selected to follow (35 or so, I started with 40 but some never joined in the fun). A few are posting ahead, so I try to save those for the day when the rest of us post that letter. LOL! It's all good!
Donna McNicol - My A to Z Blogs
DB McNicol - Small Delights, Simple Pleasures, and Significant Memories
My Snap Memories - My Life in Black & White
Keep calm and carry on - preferably ahead of the curve.
Definitely mayhem. Today's post: https://experiencewriting.com/2023/04/15/poetry-month-challenges-day-15-mercy-and-misery/
Here is my contribution.
NSFW, 18+
My first A to Z challenge, and I didn't write anything in advance. By letter E (E is for Enter) I decided to stop putting mish-mash together and focus on what I like to write the most: spanking fiction with a sprinkle of smut. And the story just kept on rolling, I wrote and still writing new pages every night and schedule to post for the next morning.
So here I am, proudly presenting letter M:
M is for Morning and Marks and Middle of the night
Hi I'm having a very enjoyable month, and keeping up by not over thinking or writing too long posts. Lots of interesting blogs out there and several new to follow. Keep it up everyone.
It's a little bit of both. I had been a few days ahead but now find that I've only got Monday's post ready to go, and I better get cracking again. Hopefully, I'll master the mayhem in the end!
This year so far good. Scheduled all the posts. Visited good number of blogs and commented. Happy to come out with this post this year for N.
Narayana Rao's Handbook of Industrial Engineering Knowledge - Lessons. 365+ Lessons and 75+ Case Studies.
The event helps us to think and come out with some interesting and useful topics. Best wishes to all participant bloggers.
My biggest challenge is an injury that requires a wrist brace -- hard to type!
i was afraid of how it would go this year because I didn’t do any posts in advance. I’m also taking care of my husband who is at home on Hospice now. But the biggest revelation to me is what a difference it makes in readership when I don’t have time to read other’s posts. I am benefitting from my theme of writing character sketches though - very worthwhile. Thanks for all your work.
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