Wednesday, April 5, 2023

D is for Durability

#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter D

I was working with synonyms for resilience (since that's our theme this year) and I realized that durability was one. Saying that something is resilient means that, when it's folded, spindled, mutilated, and otherwise abused, it comes back as good as new. That's pretty much the same as durable, except, when something's durable, it might not come back as good as new, but it'll come back just as useful as it was before.

Think of luggage: when you take it on a trip, the chances are good that it'll be roughed up pretty badly by everyone who handles it. The test of a good suitcase is whether it can endure all that punishment and still be used again. Not exactly resilient, because it'll accumulate scratches and dents and maybe even have a hole or two knocked into it, but you won't have to find time during your trip to replace it. It'll work just fine, it just won't look as good as it did when you bought it.

There are times that we're resilient and bounce back good as new from physical or emotional injury, but more frequently injuries prove our durability. We're still left with broken hearts and scars and bones that have repaired themselves, and maybe with challenges that we didn't have before, but we find our way through them, around them, under or over them, and manage to survive, even thrive. That's durability!


kaykuala said...

Here we go again, D for Donald:


ladyleemanila said...

songbird's crazy world said...

Durability, good choice

Frewin55 said...

I like the suitcase analogy, its a pretty good description of us - protecting an interior full of personal stuff, the defining skins which are our clothes, getting progressively aged an marked by life on the outside but still durable...

Misky said...

Good morning!

Crackerberries said...

Durability is a great synonym for resilience. I think you will see the resilience in Dazbar's Run. Also who is still sticking to their New Year's Resolutions? Maybe you need this soup .

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

A good look at durability -- especially the closing paragraph.

Ronel visiting for D:
My Languishing TBR: D
Dichotomy of the Sasabonsam

Susan Sanderson said...

Good stories can endure - a word related to durability. I've written about one such story for the letter D.

jabblog said...

Were we not durable we could not have evolved, survived and lived to tell the tale. Some people have to endure so much, while others lead a (relatively) pain-free, problem-free life. It doesn't seem fair.

Molly of Molly’s Canopy said...

Dave Clark Five concert in Endicott, N.Y. In 1966

Donna B. McNicol said...

This was a good one - and I am definitely the product of resilience in my life.

My A to Z Blogs
DB McNicol - Small Delights, Simple Pleasures, and Significant Memories
My Snap Memories - My Life in Black & White

Pradeep Nair said...

Durability is what matters in the end.

Anne M Bray said...

The D shoe:

diedre Knight said...

Durability. I like that. I think I even remember the gorilla commercial ;-)

Lady In Read said...

Stories are durable too!

Dyanne @ I Want Backsies said...

As soon as I read "think of luggage" the American Tourister commercial with the gorilla popped into my mind!