Saturday, April 1, 2023

Arrival! A to Z is Here! ( #AtoZChallenge )


#AtoZChallenge 2023 badge A

All Aboard!


     The A to Z train has pulled into the station once again.  The train has arrived, but this is just the beginning of a great journey.   Many of you have climbed onto the train to start off another trek through the alphabet.  It might be a first for some or just another journey with which you're familiar.

      This year promises to be another wild ride with all sorts of sites to see and ideas to entertain us.  The trip tickets are free and all that is required from those riding with us is a bit of work that is hopefully more like play.  If you've got your mind set in the right place then you're going to have a great time.  But many of you have been down this way before and know pretty much what's going to be happening this April.

       Whether you're a new traveler on this journey or a veteran of this train trip, you've got what it takes.  Resilience and creativity.  Hang it there.   The trip might seem a bit wild and grueling, but don't let it overwhelm you.  It's all about fun!

        Are we ready?   Then let's go!


Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

Got into the A to Z Train. Thank you for the horn.

Articles and Blogs on Industrial Engineering

kaykuala said...

We are finally here! It's a nice feeling


ladyleemanila said...

I'm on the train, let's go :)

Rose said...

Living in Alaska, means it's not quite midnight yet, but here we go (=

Frewin55 said...

Thanks for that Stationmaster! As usual, I see the train, which encircles the Earth daily, has begun in the east with the first passenger boarding at 4.41am my time (UK). It will be 4 0r 5 hours till we pull in to the Eastern seaboard of the US. I like the fact that the time zones give us a chance to see our brother and sister travellers from the east first each day as it highlights them to be first on board.
My first post of the month is at
Enjoy - Fellow Travellers...

Lady In Read said...

Starting this 2023 journey!! My A to Z post for today is here

Misky said...

Hello! I'm an A-to-Z newbie, and may I ask, do I post my linkback on Wordpress or here on Blogger?

GeniAus said...

We got an early start in Australia.I'm blogging about my recent travels. Here's my first post.

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

It's going to be a wild ride this year: I'm doing a double A-Z on my blog. LOL.

Ronel visiting for A:
My Languishing TBR: A
Accomplished Athena

Susan Sanderson said...

Lots of alliteration, Arlee! Here's mine

Miss Andi said...

Welcoming the Alphabet train at my station with Anubis and the dogs of Egypt [Life with Mia]

Enjoy everyone!

Anonymous said...

Chuk chum.. Yes I am on board train too.. My fifth year!! Topics Brand management Advertising PR Marketing...

Charlotte (MotherOwl) said...

Could we please - when visiting other participants' blogs - rad the post and comment on the contents. I mean I'd like real comments not generic: "Nice Post - read my post (link)"-comments. These will be marked as spam on my blog, and not shown.
I think this challenge should be fun, not a competition in who can visit most/have the most visits.

Crackerberries said...

Howdy old pals and welcome to the newbies. It's going to be a great year....hoping I haven't set myself up for failure with taking on a double whammy this year. It's great to be back....all aboard and forward as it may.
Go ahead and check out my Devotion or you might want to just skip ahead to the recipe

Molly of Molly’s Canopy said...

Blogging about my 1960s high school years A to Z - starting with Art and the Avocado today. Please stop by and good luck to all!

Glen Sprigg said...

I'm very excited to join the A to Z blogging challenge this year. I hope everyone has a great time; I know I will!

Ironically, my first post has a similar title to this one.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Great start to another AtoZ! I'm here doing writing genres (for the third time):

shalzmojo said...

I have joined in after 5 years and am feeling lost here. Hope to acclimatize to the format soonest. Writing about Books once again and here is my post for A

All the best to all the participants and I hope to read some of the blogs in the challenge.

Tamara said...

Yay, 'tis time for blogging from A - Z. This year my posts are about things that went wrong in my daily life or while traveling.
A is for Airport

Michelle & The Paw Pack said...

April already!? Happy blogging, everyone! :)

Donna B. McNicol said...

On the train x2...

DB McNicol - Small Delights, Simple Pleasures, and Significant Memories
My Snap Memories - My Life in Black & White

Jennifer Jones said...

I’m back for my ninth AtoZ Challenge. Looking forward to catching up with lots of new blogs

Maria L. Berg said...

Happy first day of all the fun April Challenges! Here's my A post

Jai said...
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Jai said...

I am writing a serialised story in the horror genre spread over 26 posts. Here is my post for the letter A.

At Aravankolom Village

Sore is more said...

My first A to Z challenge, the theme for this year: TTWD and adult spanking. Adults only. With many links to other spanking blogs.

Anne M Bray said...

Another year of my sketches of Fluevog shoes:

Shilpa Garg said...

Starting this year's AtoZ...
How I became an Accidental Minimalist

Anonymous said...

I’m here too! I guess this is my 8th AtoZ! ❤️

Shalini R said...

I’m here too! I guess this is my 8th AtoZ! ❤️

Hannelore Adler (SteampunkCowCorn) said...

Hi, I´m joining the joyride! Good luck and have fun everyone! :D

Visiting from:

dar said...

Sorry, I'm late. Camp NaNo had my attention first. But I hope it isn't too late to join the train. I'll try to catch up tonight.