Saturday, March 11, 2023

A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal Event 2023! #AtoZChallenge


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It's that time of the year again, bloggers! 

Welcome to the 2023 A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal!

***Note: This is a separate event, for those who want to announce their A to Z theme. You will still have to sign up for the Master List to participate! The Master List opens on March 26th! There will be a post!***

If you are planning to do a theme on your blog in April, this is your chance to share it with all of us!

Step 1: Write a Theme Reveal post and publish it on your blog. Tell us what theme you chose for yourself this year!

Step 2: Fill out this form (link) to sign up! Make sure you put in the direct link to your theme reveal post, not to your blog in general! And don't forget to take a look at our list of Categories!

Step 3: Head over to the list of participants (link), and visit others to see what themes they are doing! If you take a copy now (File> Make a Copy), be sure to come back after sign-ups close to grab the information of the rest of the participants.

Please join the Theme Reveal by March 18th. After that, this form will be closed. The Master List for the challenge will open on March 26th!

We are all looking forward to being on this journey with you!


Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

Thank you. More active participation starts. Revealed my theme. A to Z of Industrial Engineering

Started informing other bloggers also through social media. Best wishes to bloggers and organizers.

Shilpa Gupte said...

Thank you for the wonderful theme reveal badge and the list of participants! I have added my theme reveal post and now look forward to April 1st :) Best wishes to every participant!

Crackerberries said...

Good morning
Very excited to be part of this wonderful challenge. Hope everyone has a great day. My theme this year will be a joint effort between two blogs. I will be feeding the flock with a story and a
recipe. Good luck to everyone participating.

Janet said...

I'm coming along too! Looking forward to reading some new blogs.

Jemima Pett said...

I'm all signed up! I'll be featuring books that I've read (mostly) this year so I hope everyone will find something to their taste.


TWW said...

All signed up, I am so looking forward to seeing what everyone does. Already started my list of blogs to follow.

Tamara said...

2023 Will be my 9th time around!

Looking forward to reconnecting with old friends and meeting new ones!

dMarie Michael said...

I'm excited to try this year after many years, of sitting it out. My theme for 2023 is

Carrie-Anne said...

For some reason, my link for my names blog isn't hyperlinked in the main list! That happened last year too for at least one of my blogs. The link isزن-زندگی-آزادی-women-life-freedom/, if there's a way to add it in properly. I hope this doesn't happen again when the reveal post on my main blog goes live on Wednesday!

Carrie-Anne said...

My main blog's post also isn't showing up as hyperlinked in the master list! It'sزن-زندگی-آزادی-women-life-freedom/. I don't know if the foreign characters in the URL are making that happen or what.

Timothy S. Brannan said...

Signed up and ready for April!

Miss Andi said...

Happy that April is here and that we still have this great get-together of interesting posts! My theme this year is experimenting with Artificial Intelligence in creative writing, titled "The AI, the dog and the witchling".

J Lenni Dorner said...

Carrie-Anne -- try using a free link shorting service, such as tinyurl or Bitly. Your blog link has some special characters that might be causing your issues. said...

I have already revealed my theme for this year A to Z, of Cybersecurity for SMBs and Startups.

Watch out for some facts, tidbits, and myths busted at

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

Good. 100+ declared their theme so far.

Jayden R. Vincente said...

@Carrie-Anne I was able to manually fix the link! Thanks for participating. Feel free to ping me at jrvincente@gmail if you have any further trouble with the list!