March 12- 18= Theme Reveal
March 26- April 8= 2023 Master List sign-up
May 1-6 = Reflections
May 15= Road Trip
Participant Badge

Change the * height="250" width= "250" * numbers in the code to suit your needs. As long as both numbers match, the image remains square.
The team's theme for the 2023 A to Z Challenge is RESILIENCE.
Our bloggers have adapted to new circumstances, many having persisted through tough times in and outside the blogosphere, and have transformed and revolutionized their blogging skills to be here with us this year. We praise the fortitude it takes to run a successful blog (whatever qualities you consider a success) in 2023 and are grateful for each participant in the
April Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
Our new (anonymous 🥔) graphics person hopes you'll enjoy the image of the resilient tree on the 2023 graphics.
Not sure I'm thrilled with the graphics. The placement of the wording seems off to me (the parts in the tree), but I'm still looking forward to participating if I can get my act together.
Same. But it looks like the words are perched in the tree. And if they WERE mylar balloons (which is what they look like) the poor tree had better be "resilient." The square graphic is better than the header; I think the header got squashed, so it's more disproportional. :) I like the tree and background a lot - I just wish it didn't have all the "mylar balloon letters" stuck in it.
Howdy, so looking forward to this and have some big plans if I can pull it off. Can't wait to catch up with everyone. Has it really been a whole year already?
It's been a while since I last took part, and am looking forward to doing it again. So here is to another AtoZ!
I'm looking forward to it! I agree with the comments on the Participant Badge. I hope the Winner 2023 badge doesn't match! Of course, it's hard to please everyone, and I hate change!
I'm in again. This will be my third. The graphics are a little weird, I agree. I'm now winding what the letter badges will look like. Can't wait to see what other come up with when the theme reveal begins next week.
I always look forward to the A to Z in April… even though it’s a little hectic.
I love this year's badge with the resilient tree! I've taken part, on and off over the last seven years. I'm excited to take part this year. Thanks for the prompt and the organisation! Good luck to everyone!I hope to see you all on our blogging journey xx
I'm looking forward to the challenge this year. I used to dabble in it years ago.
I commend the anonymous creator of the badge for stepping up when maybe no one else would.
Happy to visit and note the calendar. Made the list of blog posts ready for the challenge. Shall start creating the blog posts and schedule them. Thank you.
A to Z of Industrial Engineering
Additional badges are now available.
Oh? Where? 😊
Hi there
I am so excited for the A to Z challenge.
Hi, I just found this challenge. I've never taken part. I know the theme reveal is closed now and there will be a separate sign up for the challenge from the 26th.
I am a keen blogger but am also severely physically disabled and seveerely visually impaired. I can't see the screenshots of the challenge calendar and my isn't recognizing them as something that needs to be read out. I can't see the graphics either.
Is my participation in the challenge valid if I just take part in the challenge whose signup is from the 26th onwards or would I have had to have signed up for the theme also for it to be valid? I understand the event starts on April 1.
Do you have general information about how the challenge works?
I hope you can help me with answers to my questions.
Hi, Kat - welcome! This will not be my first time, but I am not one of the organizers of the A to Z Blogging Challenge, so my answers are not "official."
How the challenge works: Blog daily in April. This is the main idea. No theme is required. Generally, the A to Z means starting with the letter A and ending on Z (taking Saturdays or Sundays off). The letters could be the first letter of the blog title or something to do with the theme (if you have one). You can think of it as simply an adult alphabet book, or just be very creative with the titles and not write ABOUT anything starting with the letters at all. You can write fiction, non-fiction, poetry, or all of the above.
You do not need the calendar graphics. The ones shown here are just that - blank calendars. The challenge badge, itself, contains the title of the challenge and a background image of a tree. Participants can use it on their own blogs.
The "Theme Reveal" is just an additional activity and not required at all. Having a theme is not required. Sometimes it's fun to have one, but sometimes it feels too constraining. Since this is your first time participating, you may want to leave that open.
A is for accessibility...
If you visit my blog, I'd love to hear if there are any major stumbling blocks for you there. (I'll admit, right up front, that there probably are. I do try to add alt text when it's useful. Most of my graphics are merely decorative.)
My blog's URL is
Have fun with the A to Z Blogging Challenge!
Thanks Holly, So I can post about anything I want each day although what I post about doesn't begin with the letter? Just need to get this clear before signing up. Still unclear about this.
I would say yes, although to stick with the "spirit" of the thing, I'd try to make the title, at least, start with letters of the alphabet. ;) Get creative! But really, there are no prizes or punishments here - the best thing about it is to help you establish a regular practice of writing and posting daily as well as networking with other bloggers. You'll get out of it what you put into it. ;) (Honestly, I usually only make it through O or P, but it's still worth giving it a shot.)
Thanks Holly.
I already have an established blog and wanted another challenge. I created my own A-Z themed on aspects of mt life with disabilities. This challenge sounds fun and I am looking forward to taking part. Signed up today.
That sounds great. I'd like to read it.
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