Sunday, March 26, 2023

#AtoZChallenge 2023 Master List SIGN UP for the April #Blogging Challenge

#AtoZChallenge 2022 tribute badge
Get your graphics:

The team's theme of the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge this year is:
What will your theme be, if you'll have one at all?

Sign up for the 2023 challenge! Click this:

Get on the Master List! You aren't officially part of the challenge without completing this sign-up form.

(The Theme Reveal is a *separate* A to Z Challenge activity. Signing up for the Theme Reveal did NOT automatically sign you up for the Challenge. Thank you.)

What information will you need to sign up this year?
  • Blog name -- This is what you call your blog. It doesn't include the word "Wordpress." ⛔ It isn't a link. There's NO "www" or ".com" -- It's just what you call your blog. This blog's name, for example, is "April Blogging from A to Z Challenge."
  • Author's Name -- How you would like people to refer to you. ("Great post, *name*!")
  • Blog Link -- This is a link to your blog. It isn't the hidden place where you create posts. It's what people type or click to get to see your posts. (For example, you're currently viewing "" which is our LINK)
    • It must go to a PUBLIC blog where anyone doing the challenge may COMMENT WITHOUT LOGGING IN, SIGNING UP, or SUBSCRIBING. 
  • Category -- There are 49 choices, including the option to "prefer not to say." Pick whatever best aligns with your theme. Don't have a theme? Pick whatever best matches the type of blog you have.

2023 #AtoZchallenge categories
2023 #AtoZchallenge categories
2023 #AtoZchallenge categories
2023 #AtoZchallenge categories
2023 #AtoZchallenge categories 2023 #AtoZchallenge categories

  • There's then an option to name your own category if you couldn't find something suitable.
  • Adult content? -- As this is an all-ages event, there is an obligation to note if a site is unsuitable for young people. Adult content blogs generally have any of the following:
    • Excessive Violence — If your blog reads like a how-to guide for Hannibal Lecter, you have excessive violence. If you've written the A to Z guide of how to pummel someone, make πŸ’£, create πŸ”ͺ weapons from ordinary objects, or kill without detection, you have excessive violence.
    • Nudity for sexual purposes — If you write erotica, you have adult content. πŸ‘™ If body parts normally covered by swimwear or underwear are visible on your blog, you've got adult content. This gets tricky with art blogs, so if you fall into that gray area, ask the team for a ruling (before April 8, please). 
    • Strong and frequent harsh language — If the F word is being used as a verb, or it is used more than three times in 500 words, that is considered adult content. If most of your blog posts have three curse words, that is adult content. 🀬
  • Continuous story? -- If someone visits your blog for the first time in mid-April, will they be able to figure out what's going on? Or will it be like reading a book from the middle, watching a movie without the first half, or trying to enjoy a show without character introductions?
    • People may wish to visit daily to keep up. Or might want to read it all at the end of the month.
  • Voting? -- Some bloggers will let the audience decide what their next post will be.
    • Blogs that mark this as "yes" especially need to attract commenters daily!
  • Will you hop to other blogs? -- The April Blogging Challenge has two parts. One is posting to your blog every day in April (except most Sundays), and the other is commenting on the blogs of others in the challenge. Here are your choices:
    • I will seek out new blogs from the list 😁
    • I will visit those who comment on my blog 😊
    • I will visit my friends' blogs 😏
    • I'm new, so I don't know yet πŸ€”
    • I won't be visiting other blogs 😐
    • Other:
  • Author's Pronouns -- he/him, she/her, they/them, abstain, other (Use "abstain" if you prefer not to select the pronouns by which others may correctly refer to you.)
  • Year -- The challenge has run for THIRTEEN years! What year did you first try it?
  • Twitter Link (optional) -- If you use it. Remember, this link starts with "" and then has your handle. There's no "@" symbol.
  • Facebook Link (optional) -- If you'd like people to friend or follow you there.
  • Instagram Link (optional) -- If you use it.
  • Other social media (optional) -- If you use some other social media site you wish to share.
  • Comment Name (optional) -- If, when you leave comments, your name does not match the one on the MasterList. If when you comment on other Wordpress sites, you "comment as" a name different from what you have on the MasterList.
  • Physical location of blogger (optional) Country first please -- This is an International blog hop. A great way to find others beyond your homeland, or to discover those living nearby, is to share a general location.
  • Theme (optional) -- Please keep it to 100 characters or less. A short summary of your planned posts for April. The theme reveal hop had the option for longer descriptions.

That's it. Now you know what to expect when you sign-up. It looks like a lot, but it doesn't take long to fill out the Google form. 

Remember to make sure that your blog is open to public comments and that people do not need to "log in, sign up, or subscribe" to leave you a comment.
(If you use Wix --  -- please learn how to allow people who don't use Wix to leave you a comment.)
(You must create and sign into a Tumblr account before you can leave comments. This is why the A to Z Challenge does NOT recognize Tumblr blogs as official participants.)
(The A to Z Blogging Challenge is not a "blog by email sign-up" either. We do not support or recognize "private blogs" that request email addresses be sent first, and then blog links or posts are privately sent later.)

Any blogs found in violation will be removed. Please privately contact a team member if you feel you've found such a blog on the Master List. (Include the blog name, please.)

Master List Sign-up Form

Are you ready to make posts and hop to other blogs this April?


Instagram Facebook logo @atozchallenge
Twitter @AprilA2Z @AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge
Please follow us on social media.

File Make a Copy phone image File Make a Copy image
File, Make a Copy of the Master List for yourself! Click this:
The Master List will be complete on April 9, when sign-ups close.
Be sure your copy is updated with everyone who signed up for the challenge. Hopping to other blogs to leave comments is half of the challenge!

Monday, March 20, 2023

Copy of Theme Reveal List 2023 #atozchallenge

Here's something new we're testing.

AtoZChallenge theme reveal 2023 #atozchallenge

#atozchallenge Theme reveal scroll reminder

Jayden has created a way for the spreadsheet FOR THE THEME REVEAL 2023 to be visible here on the site. 
This is not your personal copy. You won't be able to reorganize the entries. You can't change "no" to "yes" as you leave comments for others. 
You CAN see if anyone noted "other" with their theme category, and see which sites are "adult," by scrolling left and right. (see the image pointing out where the bottom scrollbar is located). 

Depending on feedback, if this method is popular with our blog-hopping participants, we will make a post like this for the other forms too. So please, let us know if you enjoy having the completed list on a post on our site.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Theme Reveal is now Closed #AtoZChallenge


Thanks to all those who signed up for the Theme Reveal for the A to Z Challenge!

If you missed signing up, have no fear. The Master List opens on Sunday, March 26th! In the meantime, check out these blogs who are going to be participating in the A to Z Challenge! Feel free to make a copy of the list so you can check off the ones you've read. Remember to leave your link on others' blogs so we can all get to know each other a bit through this challenge.

We are all looking forward to being on this journey with you!

Saturday, March 11, 2023

A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal Event 2023! #AtoZChallenge


HTML Code for those who use it:

It's that time of the year again, bloggers! 

Welcome to the 2023 A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal!

***Note: This is a separate event, for those who want to announce their A to Z theme. You will still have to sign up for the Master List to participate! The Master List opens on March 26th! There will be a post!***

If you are planning to do a theme on your blog in April, this is your chance to share it with all of us!

Step 1: Write a Theme Reveal post and publish it on your blog. Tell us what theme you chose for yourself this year!

Step 2: Fill out this form (link) to sign up! Make sure you put in the direct link to your theme reveal post, not to your blog in general! And don't forget to take a look at our list of Categories!

Step 3: Head over to the list of participants (link), and visit others to see what themes they are doing! If you take a copy now (File> Make a Copy), be sure to come back after sign-ups close to grab the information of the rest of the participants.

Please join the Theme Reveal by March 18th. After that, this form will be closed. The Master List for the challenge will open on March 26th!

We are all looking forward to being on this journey with you!

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

2023 Calendar #AtoZchallenge


March 12- 18= Theme Reveal
March 26- April 8= 2023 Master List sign-up
May 1-6 = Reflections
May 15= Road Trip

Participant Badge

#AtoZChallenge 2023 badge
Change the * height="250" width= "250" * numbers in the code to suit your needs. As long as both numbers match, the image remains square.

The team's theme for the 2023 A to Z Challenge is RESILIENCE.

Our bloggers have adapted to new circumstances, many having persisted through tough times in and outside the blogosphere, and have transformed and revolutionized their blogging skills to be here with us this year. We praise the fortitude it takes to run a successful blog (whatever qualities you consider a success) in 2023 and are grateful for each participant in the
April Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
Our new (anonymous πŸ₯”) graphics person hopes you'll enjoy the image of the resilient tree on the 2023 graphics.