Monday, May 16, 2022

The 2022 Post A to Z Challenge Road Trip Starts Today!

Roadtrip #atozchallenge 2022

It's time for the Post A to Z Road Trip 2022! This is a great opportunity to catch up on the many blogs you would have liked to have spent more time visiting, but didn't during the Challenge, and a chance to visit the blogs of people who did the Challenge that you never got to. And, if you're one of those people who did the Challenge but didn't get a lot of visitors, this is a way to let people know that you'd appreciate a visit.

Here's what you do:

  1. Sign up for the Road Trip. There's a place where you can put in the URL of a post that you would like visitors to read first. Then, grab a copy of the Road Trip badge from the graphics page (if you want) for your home page to use as a "bumper sticker."
  2. Get copies of both the Road Trip List and the Master List. Both will be useful.
  3. Start with the Road Trip list and visit the blogs of the people who signed up there. Take some time to read their blog and their Challenge entries. Leave comments where you feel led to do so, and make sure you identify yourself as a Road Trip participant. Leave a link to your blog so they can return the favor.
  4. Then, if you have the time and inclination to do so, visit some of the blogs on the Master List that you didn't get the chance to visit. Even if they didn't sign up for the Road Trip, I'm sure they'd appreciate a visit.

There's no set time limit to the Road Trip (i.e. no specific end date), so if you wanted to, you could visit everyone who was part of this year's Challenge between now and the start of next year's Challenge. If that's what you want to do, go for it! Most importantly, have fun!

Happy Motoring!


Pradeep Nair said...

I have already started on the Road Trip.
The best thing is that I am not only discovering new blogs, but I am also learning a number of new stuff by going through the posts of other bloggers.
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.
My latest post: Online games and the idea of beauty and
All my 2022 A2ZChallenge posts

Frewin55 said...

All aboard for the Magical Mystery Tour! All signed up and my first review posted - of seven Indian women who used a WhatsApp group to encourage each other throughout the challenge!

Susan Sanderson said...

Although my posts have a cut-off time for comments, it is still possible to comment on my page for the challenge. A to Z 2022 Christmas (contents)

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

The idea of indicating one post in the blog is really useful. It is a post self selected by the author. I am sure that post will get many views and comments. I want authors to notice and indicate a specific post instead of reflections post or list of posts. I am sharing all blogs of the challenge on twitter. I shall also share all the posts indicated on roadtrip on twitter.

Best wishes to all for a successful year of blogging and service to readers.

Jamie said...

Awesome ๐ŸŽ‰

Lisa said...

I'm looking forward to the Road Trip! Thank you!

Lady In Read said...

All signed up for the Road Trip and will get started this week... Looking forward to discovering what I missed during the challenge and retracing steps as well to those I loved reading but could not read enough posts and/or comment

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

I sent through tweet to all A to Z Bloggers with twitter ids given in master list this message. A to Z Bloggers! What is your best post of the challenge. Indicate in #AtoZchallenge Roadtrip List and get audience. #AtoZBlogger

Mom and Ideas - Anuradha said...

Thank you for starting with us! It is a wonderful post. In fact, your post motivated me to start my road trip now!

Mom and Ideas - Anuradha said...

Thank you for the challenge! It really revived my blog! I just started my road trip and I am enjoying reading blogs without a rush!

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

I am trying to encourage all A to Z Bloggers to indicate a blog post of their for special attention in Roadtrip. I posted this message to all Twitter ids of A to Z 2022 Challenge,

What is Your #AtoZchallenge Roadtrip Post? Mine: Quality Engineering and Management.

My interest is to serve A to Z community and also the blogging platforms. More audience have to visit blogs for platforms to sustain for many more years.

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog