Yikes! I posted the wrong letter for the wrong day! So I'm late for today's Y post. Maybe I fell asleep on the job.
Wait! Don't you nod off quite yet. Yes, this is the next to the last day of this year's 2022 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge, but it's not totally over yet. There's still the A to Z Reflections post which you can put on your site anytime in the coming week Watch for the sign up list on this site soon. We hope you will participate in this post-Challenge ritual. It's of great help to the A to Z Team as well as to the other bloggers who participated this year or might wish to participate in future Challenges. Your input is valuable!
@AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge
Please follow us on social media.
File, Make a Copy of the Master List for yourself! Click this:
Be sure your copy is updated with everyone who signed up for the challenge. Hopping to other blogs to leave comments is half of the challenge!
Later in the month the A to Z Road Trip begins. This is another chance to keep the spirit of the Challenge going throughout the year. Didn't get a chance to make to all of the other A to Z blogs? Here's your chance to catch up while getting your own blog out there to more readers. And while you're making rounds don't forget to share the posts you deem worthy and leave comments so those bloggers will know you visited.
So, who needs sleep anyway? Let's keep on blogging! The blog road goes on forever...
Did you have a successful A to Z Challenge this April? Do you find the Reflections posts to be of value to you? Have you participated in past years' Road Trips? Will you be joining the ride this year?

Please follow us on social media.
File, Make a Copy of the Master List for yourself! Click this:
Be sure your copy is updated with everyone who signed up for the challenge. Hopping to other blogs to leave comments is half of the challenge!
Get your 2022 merchandise here:
Just completed letter Y post and with it my debut mini-fiction. I am so thrilled to reach this stage and the encouragement I got to convert my story into a book. Will do that thanks to the A-Z challenge, though I don't quite know how at this point.
Thank you for all the love
That's hilarious, but better late than never. LOL
Today's post: Y Is For Youth
Wait!!! You said this is the LAST post. What about tomorrow's Z post? I don't know about you but when I couldn't find the Y post first thing this morning I was totally YIKES
Yes, we are almost there! It was tough, but I made it. Tomorrow's post is scheduled and I am looking forward to putting together a reflection post if I have time while I am away.
Yikes indeed, Arlee! I hope one of the team has Z under control.
I'm not sure my reflections post is under control. I suspect it may be OTT if I ever finish it.
Yule and Yeshua
Almost there!
Dino, thanks for shaking me up on my error. I woke up earlier than usual this morning only to discover how I messed up and thankfully fixed it. Something must have intuitively spoke to me to get out of bed and check my A to Z post!
Barbie, look again--it says "next to last post". Well, that's after I corrected it. Thanks for pointing out my error. I need to calm down and get back to normal.
Susan, Yes, when I was changing the original Z post I had written for tomorrow into a Y post for today, I made sure that a Z post was waiting in the wings. John has it covered and all will be well for Saturday Z day.
Y for Yearning
Yes - better late than never - to err is human and all that
It's been great going!
Please do check out my 2nd last post in the challenge.
Y = Yugoslavia
yikes is right.
This has been another great year. I'm usually anxious to move on; it's not that I don't have a bunch to do but this story took me by surprise. We are going to continue but then who ends a story about a war that is happening at the mo?
I think everything I say tomorrow is going to sound like a rerun...
I am finishing up tomorrow's Z post that has a bit of retrospection in it, but I will be doing a retrospective post in the next week as well as following through on the roadtrip.
Yippee skippy this has been useful, fun, and not too stressful.
Yes!!!! Tomorrow's the last day, and I haven't fallen behind! I didn't really succeed with my theme because COVID put me off track, but I am happy that I was able to adjust and even happier that I managed to incorporate an art challenge into a blogging challenge. It's been so much fun that I am already feeling sad that it's almost over, but happy that I did it!
Am definitely gonna b zzzzz today a lot :) it has been wonderful...i will slowly plan to read missed posts in may. Hope master list would stay active. Congrats and all the best to all participants!
Yes, I will do the road trip because there are lots of blogs I missed. Yes, I will do it again next year and yes, my reflection post is up. Thank you all for the constant support and encouragement I got from fellow bloggers.
Thank you once again
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