The team's theme of the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge this year is:
O is for Objective
As we work through our A to Z, we want to remain steadfast in our objective. We always want to remember what we're working toward, and how we're going to get there.
So for the month of April, we make a plan to accomplish A to Z in whatever way works for us. Every plan may even be different! And as we think about our other dreams, we remember to create not just the objective, but also our plan to achieve it.How are you planning to finish your A to Z objective this month?
~Jayden R. Vincente
Erotic Fiction Writer at (Adults only!)
@AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge
Please follow us on social media.
File, Make a Copy of the Master List for yourself! Click this:
Be sure your copy is updated with everyone who signed up for the challenge. Hopping to other blogs to leave comments is half of the challenge!

Please follow us on social media.
File, Make a Copy of the Master List for yourself! Click this:
Be sure your copy is updated with everyone who signed up for the challenge. Hopping to other blogs to leave comments is half of the challenge!
Get your 2022 merchandise here:
I plan to meet my a to z objective this month by finishing the a to z challenge in the three categories I chose for said challenge. SO far I have been able to have all but one of my post ready to drop the night before they were due. Only once did I have to finish the post on it's day. In the past I've had to play catch up a few times and so far this year I have not. While it's not my main objective to not be late with any of my posts it is very helpful to be timely and I have been able to read and comment on more blogs as a result
Having a theme has really helped me this year as I planned ahead and had a schedule with the dates, letters & topics pinned up. Having just posted my O post I only have three posts scheduled to go and that's the closes I've come to having to write anything on the day. Thankfully, I know what the remaining letters will be about so I'll be busy later getting those posts scheduled.
The consequence of all this is that I've properly enjoyed the Challenge for the first time and I've been freer to visit and comment on other blogs.
Happy Easter Monday everyone :)
Hard slog I'm afraid, my posts have turned out quite long with a lot of facts to check, links to provide and pictures to source and size properly. Maybe next year I will get more done in advance, but like 2020, current affairs combined with going back to work for twice the time have conspired against me...
Happy Monday and we are almost to the end of our challenge. My objective was to wing-ding it and so far my O post is the only one I did ahead of time. I had full intentions of working on posts before the day came, but sometimes when you wing-ding it... you gotta go with what you got. Today's post took me the longest. If you feel like blog jumping, this one is for you. It will help you visit a lot of Other Blogs
My objective for this year's A to Z Challenge was to have all my posts ready before the beginning of April. I achieved that by beginning before Christmas. Christmas is my theme, by the way.
I now have set myself a new writing objective!
Ox #AtoZChallenge
My objective? To read and review as many books as I possibly can this month and share them with my A-Z peeps.
Ronel visiting for the A-Z Challenge My Languishing TBR: O
I plan to accomplish by actually writing one chapter of my fiction each day. I am challenging myself to come up with ideas on a daily basis rather than writing all at once. This way, I am actually practicing to write daily and then I read a few blogs instead of picnic up a book.
Ah it happened with me too. I ended up having longer posts then what intended. :) But when it comes to providing information, longer is good I guess.
If your objective is to collaborate and participate, Oketra is your patron.
Love today's quote. I had never thought of it that way before. I've been scheduling my posts ahead of time, which has helped me toward my objective.
I have all my posts planned of course, I now want to change my "Y" post at the last minute. Wish me luck!
Tim Brannan
The Other Side | A to Z of Conspiracy Theories
I really like the word choice for today. When I get back to my writing motivation posts next month, I'll add "objective" to my approach.
Here's my Contribution, Happy Easter
All too true.
O is for oxcart
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