Sunday, April 10, 2022

#AtoZChallenge I is for Integrity

#AtoZChallenge 2022 tribute badge

The team's theme of the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge this year is:

If you are a freelancer, an entrepreneur, a self-employed content creator, an artist, or anything of the sort, you probably spend a whole lot of your time trying to promote your work online. Blogging might or might not be an integral part of that - or even the entire business in itself - but we are still constantly bombarded information on how to blogging bigger, better, more profitable. How to optimize content, posting frequency, posting times, social media shares, tags and hashtags. Sounds familiar?

This post is just here to remind you to take a break. Integrity is important. Your blog, your contant, first and foremost, has to be you. Accomplishing your dreams is not worth changing those dreams to fit some kind of an expectation. It is good to learn how to do your own thing better - but you don't need to change your content, your stories, your interests into something "more marketable." As cliché as it sounds: you are the content. The person, the personality, the enthusiasm, the dreams. All of it. Stay true to that.

Also, hey, we are done with the first full week of A to Z! How are you feeling? :)


Buttercup said...

Feeling great. I actually am almost caught up and have most of my pictures ready for the rest of the month. Have a great week!

Cheryl said...

I like that you chose integrity.

I'm feeling great about the challenge so far. I already have most of this week's posts scheduled.

Enjoy your day!

Dino said...

Integrity in everything is important.

ladyleemanila said...

feeling great! have a great week everyone :)

kaykuala said...

I'm here


Pradeep Nair said...

Needless to stress, integrity is so important!
Enjoying the Challenge so far.
Have a look at my posts ...
I = India

Crackerberries said...

I am at a loss today. My muse went on vacation I guess. It's Indescribable
Have a great day.

Anna Tan said...

I agree, integrity is so important. And it kind of ties into my post: I for Identity

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

So true!

Ronel visiting for the A-Z Challenge My Languishing TBR: I

Gonz said...

There are few deities representing integrity better than Ilmater.

Anne M Bray said...

I is for...

"I" states map collages:

The Individualist Fluevog shoe:

Timothy S. Brannan said...

This is the "slow week" for me. The excitement has worn off and the reality of still writing posts is settling in. My own fault really for changing my theme at the last minute.

Tim Brannan
The Other Side | The A to Z of Conspiracy Theories

moondustwriter said...

That is absolutely true. Also don't run yourself ragged. I know too many excellent bloggers who are no longer blogging because they burned out.
Happy Monday y'all!

CAAC said...

Integrity is important. I'm still A2Zing but not doing nearly the good job as in years past. After this week I fear I will struggle even more. Thanks for hosting such a wonderful annual event!

As Sweet as an Iris Scent Dancing Across a Breeze

Afshan Shaik said...

True maintaining integrity is important!
I see that its not easy to maintain it in challenge for many. may be they are bogged down but trying to maintain it helps

Good day - Dropping by from A to Z -

Alice Gerard said...

I'm feeling really, really good. I am still up to date with my blog posts. It's probably the first year that I can say that. Plus, I am having so much fun with the blog this year and so excited about my new website!

2 gators said...

Feeling fine, this is the first year that I have kept up. 2021 wasn't a good time as I lost my husband 3 days before the challenge, however I started it, got behind, and finished it! So no matter what you are going thru it all depends on what you want to achieve.....NEVER GIVE UP, YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU WISH

I is for iceboat