Thursday, February 24, 2022

Please Review the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge on Facebook
Please Review the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge on Facebook

๐Ÿค” What to say? Here are suggestions:
  • Mention how many times you've participated (and won!)
  • Provide useful, constructive feedback.
  • Did the challenge help you and your blog? In what ways?
  • Be honest.
  • Leave out links and personal information.
  • Mention if you feel the challenge impacts the blogging community and how. Beneficial or detrimental to the blogging community?
  • How is it the same as other blog hops? How is it different?
  • Do you support the challenge? Would you suggest it to other bloggers? Will you do it again?
  • Have you learned anything from the challenge?
  • Does it help with blogging goals?
  • Keep a civil tongue.

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