Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Jeremy Hawkins Tribute

On January 3, we lost an amazing guy – Jeremy Hawkins.

Today, February 2, we pay tribute and give back to one who was so giving and involved in our community.

To honor his life and support the family he leaves behind, on that day:

·       Create a blog post a story or memory about Jeremy.

·       Create a blog post with photos of Jeremy.

·       Create a blog post to share some of the graphics he made for you.

·       Post a photo of you wearing one of the t-shirts he designed on social media.

·       And to support his family, please purchase his t-shirts, art , and his books

Spread the word and let’s pay tribute to one of the most supportive and loyal guys ever to cross our paths, Jeremy Hawkins.

#atozchallenge shirt 2015 2016 #atozchallenge shirt 2018 #atozchallenge shirt 2019 #atozchallenge shirt #atozchallenge shirt
#atozchallenge gear #atozchallenge gear #atozchallenge gear

If you are posting a tribute on your blog, I invite you to leave a link in the comments. If you share your post on Twitter, please include the #atozchallenge hashtag. 


nashvillecats2 said...

Some wonderful ideas to remember a dear blogging friend Jeremy,
Hope many follow up with these.
It's sad to lose someone..... who perhaps one has never met personally but by blogging know much about that person. May he RIP.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jeremy did so much for so many people.

Jamie said...

Jamie Ghione said...

Last year was the first time I did the A to Z, so I wasn't completely familiar with his work. But I loved the graphics he designed for last year's event.

Dave Roller said...

I did not know Jeremy personally. I was a big fan of his work especially of his work associated with the challenege.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Thanks - great to see more of Jeremy's products for sale - fun to see them - thank you - Hilary

Nilanjana Bose said...

Another fan of his graphics for A-Z. Saddened at his passing. May his soul rest in peace.

Anstice Brown said...

Such sad news. I didn't know Jeremy but always appreciated him taking the time to do the A-Z graphics.

Molly's Canopy said...

I am heartbroken to learn about Jeremy's passing. I loved his graphics and bought an A to Z shirt every year. Sincere condolences to his family, friends and all of the A to Z team. He will be missed.