Friday, April 16, 2021

N is for Never Give Up!

N is for Never Give Up!

Think about the challenges you have set for yourself this month. We’re just over the halfway point in the month. Have you given up? Are you still working toward your goal?

If you’re making good progress on your challenges, great! Tell us about it in the comments.

If you’ve given up, think about how you could restart your personal challenge or adapt it to fit in the second half of the month. It’s never too late to get back up and try again!

My first A to Z was abysmal. I think I finished finally in June(?), but I never gave up. I kept going. I started my blog just so I could participate in the A to Z Challenge. That whole year, I had only 155 visitors to my blog. Just five years later, I have had 858 visitors in 2021 SO FAR, and we’re only 1/4 of the way through the year. Posting consistently and visiting other blogs has made all the difference.

But all that time, I never gave up. I kept going. I posted whenever I could. And in the end, it has paid off. The moral of the story is NEVER GIVE UP. Keep trying! And let us know how it’s going for you in the comments.


Pooja Priyamvada said...

This is inspiring for those who can't keep up with this strict schedule of atoz many newcomers

here from

Jamie said...

🎶"What, never?"
"No, never."
"What, never?"
"Hardly everrrrrrr..." 🎶

Now that that song is out of my head...

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Keep going!! Yeah...
I still don't know for V, but I have the other letters, so it's ok ;))
Quilting Patchwork & Appliqué

Susan Sanderson said...

I must encourage one of my friends with this post.
My posts for this challenge are all written. (I began writing them at the beginning of February. Last year I began in January.)

nashvillecats2 said...

I'm still at it....just, I have arthritis in my hands so find typing painful. Will do my best to complete.


Gunilla (galeriaredelius) said...

Great to get this pep talk half way through, thanks! This is the third time I participate, and I'm less stressed about falling behind than the first times. If one post or another is late, then so be it. What I'm really behind with is reading fellow AtoZ blog posts, and that feels just as bad. So many interesting blogs and themes to follow!

Frewin55 said...

I have to confess, that I know I will not complete the book which was my challenge this year, some more chapters I hope and I will certainly keep on with the A2Z posts where I am working out some ideas around the blog - the day job is just too much at present...
If anyone has been following the book, I would love to send subsequent chapters out to you - let me know in the comments at

Crackerberries said...

Happy Friday everyone. You are so right, never ever give up. Writing is one of those challenges that is a challenge every day if you are going to do it. Keep on keeping on. Today I wrote about Needful Things or perhaps that translates into useless clutter. Any hoot, hope everyone has a fantastic Friday and even better weekend. Then we get that one day off to go blog hopping.


Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

Never giving up is a fine sentiment -- especially when doing a challenge like this!

Ronel visiting for the A-Z Challenge with an A-Z of Faerie: The Nightmare Steed

Srivalli Rekha said...

That's inspiring. My progress has been decent till now, so I hope it continues. Good luck with the rest of the challenge.

Pr@Gun said...

Never give up, much-needed message for now as halfway thru, losing a bit of hope. I remember in the second post I had bet myself to keep going and so I will surely do.

My post for alphabet N for #AtoZchallenge -

Gonz said...

Never give up on your dreams... let them come true on Nyx.

CAAC said...


I'm neutralizing each letter of the alphabet narrowly escaping negative thoughts to 'give up'. I nimbly keep on, keeping on but NEVER shall I give up despite my frazzled state.

Sincerely yours,
Numbed Brain :D

Nasty Canasta Looney Tunes A-Z Art Sketch

Martha said...

I've been enjoying it so much! This year I selected my topics and photos for my posts back at the end of March and put them in draft posts before the challenge started. I didn't write posts ahead of time, but at least had my topic there and ready. It's helped keep me on track.

Good luck everyone, never give up!

Anne M Bray said...

Nope! Not giving up!

N is for Nine Things:

The N Shoe:

Jayashree (pagesfromjayashree) said...

The last A to Z I participated in I could not finish the last few letters in April but I somehow extended it till May and managed to finish it .Now its already past M and its been going great do far.

Weekends in Maine said...

On track and having fun. Only one post left to write but I have to do the craft project first. Fortunately, it's for Z!!Weekends In Maine

Trudy said...

I'll need to read this post again after the challenge is over. I have some projects on the back-burner that I don't want to give up on.

Today I posted about foooood!
Movies reflect human needs: Nourishment

Trudy @ Reel Focus

Molly's Canopy said...

Yep, I usually hit the wall around letter N or O. Hanging in so far, but yikes — still half an alphabet to go! Here’s my N post about my dad Norm:

2 gators said...

Not giving up!!!just got behind with the death of my husband 2 days before the challenge started. I will get caught up please bare with me. Thank you in advance

2 gators said...

Forgot to post my link todays post is on the Northern White Rhino

Jamie said...

Page 3 of the post is about how this now-famous author failed and almost gave up, but didn't, and now we have funny aliens.

windy said...

This is my first year. The first week, I thought what have I gotten myself into? But, I am very happy with what I have written so far. I may have to write some shorter entries before it ends, but that's okay. It is definitely a challenge and my few blogger friends are cheering me on, which is wonderful. Windy

Unknown said...

Here's to Day 16 NAPOWRIMO2021 -

kaykuala said...

N for Nature Takes its Course


Dino said...

Lady In Read said...

Definitely not giving up; I am a couple of letters behind but hope to catch up this week. And need to work a bit more on commenting
Nursery Rhymes are Great For All Times!

Chapters From My Life said...

Never give up - Right. I have achieved a lot in my life by just being persistent and not quitting. N for me meant how nature nutured me back to health..

Jayden R. Vincente said...

I'm so glad this message spoke to so many of you! We appreciate everyone who participates, even if you end up not quite sticking to the schedule!

- Jayden Vincente
Erotic fiction author