Sunday, April 11, 2021

J is for Journeys #atozchallenge

Alright, so this past year has not been great in terms of travel opportunities. If you are like me, and you like to explore new places, it has been quite exhausting to stay put. Travel is one of the Categories for bloggers in this challenge, and I love reading about people's journeys, experiences, and countries I have never been to.

Since we are still pretty much staying put, today I wanted to share with you some of my favorite online games that revolve around travel:

GeoGuessr. There is a free version and a "pro version", but even the free version is fun. It gives you random street views from around the world, and you have to guess the place where the picture was taken. Anywhere. In the world. It is quite a challenge, but who doesn't love a challenge?

City Guesser. This one gives you videos from cities around the world, and asks you to guess where you are. Honestly, I just like to look at the place, and the people walking around.

The Map Zoom Quiz. This one starts you zoomed in on a city map, and you have to guess the city. You can zoom out to see more, but you lose points. Zooooooom!

What are your favorite places around the world? And your favorite travel blogs? Are you a travel blogger yourself? Let us know in the comments!


Jayashree Srivatsan said...

I am not a travel blogger but I have had some posts on places I have been to in my blog .... Among the places I have visited Cairns in Australia and Bali have been my favourites...Of course India has more and more things to discover that seem never ending....But I love the whole idea of travel more than the places ....

Pooja Priyamvada said...

Yes the only journeys we can have now are virtual and that's what keeps us going

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

I used to travel a lot...
I made a small review of few blogs I follow for the A2Z, take a look:

Today is all about recycling jersey, T-shirts ;)
Quilting Patchwork & Appliqué

Susan Sanderson said...

I follow a few travel blogs. Unfortunately there isn't time to read every post! I think the first one i followed was

nashvillecats2 said...

Great post, I also have wrote about Journnys.
Especially at a time when travelling is diffiscult.

Have a good week.

Frewin55 said...

Just so happens, my post today is about the novel as a form of travel...

Srivalli Rekha said...

Not a traveler or a travel blogger, but my current theme includes traveling across the country.

CAAC said...

I'm not a travel blogger but I do love getting out to explore our area which includes easily to get to places surrounding us, so day trips are a big part of our weekend fun. We did more of it pre-Covid than we do now but still we get out when we can. :)

Stop by when you can to take a peek at my newest Looney Tunes Art Sketch. Foghorn's Joke Advice. Happy A2Zing!!

Crackerberries said...

I think we are all travel bloggers. Every day we visit someone else’s blog makes us a travel blogger because we travel to their world. I like to go on journeys every day as I sit down to do some journaling I can go most anywhere.
Have a great day.

Jemima Pett said...

I love the sound of this. I love maps anyway, and my saviour during lockdown has been the fortnightly Zoom meetings with my orienteering club. I'm sure some of them would like these sites - I must tell them!

Great post :)

Jemima Pett interviews Jemima Pett for J

Weekends in Maine said...

I am so looking forward to traveling again. It is one of the things I missed most. Weekends In Maine

Anne M Bray said...

My On the Edge blog is definitely about travel:
I'm transcribing a 2014 travel journal on Patreon: (first entry)

It so happens my Art blog post today is J is for [travel] Journal:

The J Shoe:

Trudy said...

I love to travel. Mine is not a travel blog, but movies can help us see other countries, cultures, and connections!

Today's post: Movies reflect human needs: Joy

Trudy @ Reel Focus

Sunita Biddu said...

I have traveled only a little of the world but most of my country (India). Am more of a picture person and love to stay motivated with beautiful and intriguing stills.

Saved these tools for my fellow travel bloggers. Am sure they will find it interesting.

I wrote about Joyful Blogging for today's letter. The day I figured this missing piece, my blog became a money magnet.

J for Joyful Blogging - My Best Blogging Tips for A to Z Challenge   

Molly's Canopy said...

From “Endwell: My early teen years” — J is for Junior Prom: My awkward first date

Gonz said...

Nothing will help you better than a handy familiar when you decide to embark on a dangerous journey full of adventure:

Buttercup said...

I'm not a travel blogger, but often write about places I've visited. Love to travel and can't wait to start making airline reservations.

Unknown said...

Happy day 12 of napowrimo2021 y’all! –

SpacerGuy said...

I haven't travelled to south America or anything but I'd like to check out New York and Boston cos like for purely trekker reasons of course.

Gail M Baugniet - Author said...

I traveled some in the 70s and 80s in western Europe but "settled down" after moving to Hawaii and only traveled around the islands. I know - poor me. But my sisters and I had booked a cruise for our milestone birthdays to sail in October 2020 - now rescheduled for 2022. Thanks for mentioning the "games" today. I needed that for the Scavenger Hunt!

2 gators said...
J is for Jellyfish

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

Great resources for researching new settings for writing!

Ronel visiting for the A-Z Challenge with an A-Z of Faerie: Jengu: The Mermaid from Africa

Janet said...

I wouldn't call myself a real travel blogger but I am going through San Francisco for this challenge.

Janet’s Smiles

kaykuala said...

J for Juxtaposition


Lady In Read said...

Not a travel blogger but I do have some travel blogs I seem to visit often...
I do love traveling though and am waiting for the time when we can do so in a semblance to normal at the least
Jabberwocky: Its Simple Joy and Jovial Jargon

Pr@Gun said...

Journeys have taken a back seat for one year, and only possibles virtual tours. I love to travel and explore places and people. Have written few travel posts too.

My J post for the AtoZ challenge -

Chapters From My Life said...

My most memorable travel was to USA in 2008. I had been there to meet my sisters in survival of breast cancer.