Sunday, April 4, 2021

D is for Dice: Roll them! #atozchallenge

Who doesn't like rolling dice? Click-clack, go the shiny math rocks! Whether you are a tabletop gamer like I am (with a collection of multi-sided dice), or you just have some dice lying around somewhere in a box... grab one and let's roll! (If you don't have dice at all, just type "dice roller" into Google)

Do either, or both of the two sets of results below.


1 - Write a long and thoughtful comment to someone's post today, and give them a lot of detailed compliments!

2 - Add two A to Z authors to your TBR list! 

3 - Pick three blogs that you have enjoyed so far in the Challenge, and Follow them, sign up for their newsletter, or follow the author on social media!

4 - Visit four new blogs, and retweet, reblog, or share the content of the one you liked best!

5 - Pick a Category from the Master List that you are the least interested in, and visit 5 blogs from that category!

6 - Visit 6 new blogs today!


1 - Eat something delicious today! (chocolate, fruit, pastry, whatever)

2 - Treat yourself to something small today! (an ebook, a snack, some cool stickers)

3 - Have you had enough water today? Go hydrate!

4 - Listen to your favorite song on repeat!

5 - Give yourself permission to postpone a task until tomorrow!

6 - Give yourself permission to take a nap today!

We hope you all have a lovely day! :)

It is not too late yet to join the challenge! You can sign up here, and see all the participating blogs on the Master List here. The sign-up closes on the 7th of April!


kaykuala said...

From RAINBOW with Hank Kaykuala
It is D for Destiny's Child

Loving it! It has been a great start for me for the initial 4 postings. Thanks to all A to Z bloggers. Will try to visit as many forthwith!


Srivalli Rekha said...

These challenges sure are fun. :)
Today's blog:

Pooja Priyamvada said...

My,My how do you come up with all this.
My post for today

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

I got 6 for the first rolling dice, then 5! I'm OK with that ;)
Let's go for D today!
Quilting Patchwork & Appliqué

Frewin55 said...

Looking at these comments is like watching the Earth rotate as different bloggers appear from different time zones (I assume that is the case and not that the first posters of comments aren't insomniacs...)
I have rolled a 4 and will dutifully visit 4 new blogs later in the day...
My post today is shorter and still out of alphabetical sequence since I need to match C and D to particular chapters. Also - today's post and chapter are shorter.

Susan Sanderson said...

I am discovering some wonderful blogs through this challenge. The only problem is finding the time to read them and finishing the posts for my own A to Z.
What does the word discipline mean to you? My post may surprise you!

Gonz said...

Did anyone say "dice"? As in 20-sided dice to play D&D? If you have some, start rolling and use the Dragon Throne of Tarkir in your game.

CAAC said...

Happy Monday! I appreciate everyone who stops supporting and encouraging me as I share with you my collection of Looney Tune Art Sketches this month.

Come by today when you get a chance to take a peek at my latest drawing, Daffy Duck on Curious as a Cathy. Happy A2Zinging, my friend!��

Pr@Gun said...

The dice thing looks fun, I got 2 and I will sure add two AtoZ authors to my TBR and sure to treat myself with something fun, ebook looks like a great option.

Here's my entry for alphabet D with roles moms play -

Crackerberries said...

OMGOSH I absolutely LOVED the ideas that you tossed out there with rolling the dice. What great idea to retweet or reblog. I'm on it, right after I finish
Doing Chores
Just kidding, I think I'll skip the chores.

Anne M Bray said...

Somewhere... are some dice... See Saturday's post, C for Clutter

D is for Detritus Weavings
The D shoe:

Trudy said...

I used the dice roller on Google and got 6, so I'll visit 6 new blogs. I already had a nap though, since I was up for a couple hours in the middle of the night, I went back to bed and slept some more. Maybe I'd better take another nap, though, just because I can!

Trudy @ Reel Focus
Movies reflect human needs: Dreams

SpacerGuy said...

D is for Dabo which is a game on DS9 - I've been posting A to Z from the start but darn I forgot to sign up! lets roll the dice and see what happens, I've submitted now. Enjoy the posts folks.

Dino said...

My D post: D Is For Dams

Frewin55 said...

Molly of Molly's Canopy said...

D is for Dion, Dave Clark 5 and Dancing to Dick Clark

Anonymous said...

Such a fun challenge! I'm looking forward to checking out some more new blogs today! :)

Have a great day!
-Kat Carpita

Janet said...

Love these mini-challenges! Have to make more time to get them done!

Janet’s Smiles

Unknown said...

D is for dust...

Weekends in Maine said...

Love these challenge suggestions. Going to try and work on some of them over the next few days.Weekends In Maine

2 gators said...

My post today is on the Dodo

Buttercup said...

I'm a day behind, but catching up with D.

Lady In Read said...

The challenge today was so fun that I rolled a dice online, and am using the result (#1) to do exactly what it says. In addition to leaving a nice long detailed comment right here!
It is always wonderful to read the posts here on the a to z blog and so wonderful that we have so many dedicated team members who keep it going! So hats off to all of you and thank you.
I have been participating since 2017 and while I always plan to plan and schedule and post in advance, I always end up writing the post on the day of.. but it is still fun, and interacting with and discovering other blogs is so much fun too..
My d post - Diacope Or At the Risk of Repeating Myself

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

Looks like fun! Though I'm not sure I'll let the dice decide for me...

Ronel visiting for the A-Z Challenge with an A-Z of Faerie: Dangerous Dryads

Chapters From My Life said...

I got 2 -

I always have a dice on my working table.

The rewards are great. I plan to listen to either Numb from LP or Wherever I may roam from Metallica on loop today.