Monday, May 18, 2020

It's #atozchallenge Road Trip Time!

Roadtrip #atozchallenge 2020
So, you've finished the A to Z Challenge for the year. Quite an accomplishment! Congratulations!
"But wait," you say. "I don't feel like I've done the Challenge, because even though I did all the entries and responded to all the comments on my blog, I didn't visit anyone else! I can't say I've finished if I didn't visit anyone!"

You know, I think everyone feels that way. This has been a strange year, what with our little friend Covid-19, self-isolation, social distancing and whatever. And, Real Life™ doesn't stop just because the A to Z Challenge is going on, much as I and the rest of the hosts of this Challenge try and stop it. So, what does a good, conscientious April Abecedarian do?

The A to Z Challenge Road Trip, that's what!

That's right! Now is your chance to visit the blogs that you wanted to visit but didn't, the blogs that you might have stopped at and told yourself, "I'd really like to spend more time reading this person's story" but somehow never got the chance to, the blogs that, when looking at the Master List, you said "Hey, that might be a fun blog to visit" and ended up not doing it, et cetera, et cetera. Sound like something you'd like to do?

I knew it would! So, here's what you do: Grab yourself a copy of the Master List*, if you don't already have one. You don't have to sign up for the Road Trip this year, just get in the car (or the space shuttle) using the Master List as your road map, and Happy Motoring! Be sure and comment at any stop you make, and let them know that you're there from the A to Z Challenge Road Trip. Maybe they'll be encouraged and follow you around. There's no time limit on this, you can make as many rest stops as you'd like. Have a great time!

A note from co-host J:

I clicked every link on the Master List in April. If you'd like a cleaned copy of my Master List, here's the link:

Some notes about mine:

  1. There aren't as many columns. (I don't care to look at how others comment. I was visiting everyone, period.)
  2. I separated my Adult content onto another tab. (With the exception of co-host JR.)
  3. You'll see notes of what errors I encountered and such.
    • If you feel like your site is mislabeled, hit me up. @JLenniDorner on Twitter is fastest.
There are tabs along the bottom of the spreadsheet, separating my copy of the Master List into three parts.

Remember to use FILE, MAKE A COPY so you can note which blogs you've commented on during the road trip! Change the comment column from "no" to YES! 😎


Susan B.Rouchard said...

Thank you John Holton for this invitation to the Road trip. I readArlee’s post yesterday and was wondering what the badge was for. Now I have all my answers. During April, I only managed to visit about 30 blogs, including the Theme Revealed. Since May 1st though, I have started my road trip anew, visiting 2 or 3 blogs a day ( posts I had saved, blogs I follow....) . However I was also sidetracked by visiting my fellow IWSG posts for April and May, and all my family stuff ( no one was supposed to be around ! But I’m glad they were) and activities ... on zoom.
Thanks again for your hard work during this year’s A to Z. The Roadtrip in May is a great idea, a keeper. Wishing you an inspired month of writing. Take care, stay safe ... we are not out of the woods and on to the highway yet.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Thank you for the clean copy of the Master list, now, let's go for the Road trip ;)

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

I did a round of roadtrip in the first three four days of May 2020. I shall start once again at opportune time. The A to Z posts of mine are being now included in a new initiative started by me from today.

Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course

Best wishes to all A to Z Bloggers. Narayana Rao

Ingrid said...

Unfortunately I only have little time for blogging with the move and emptying our house, but cat Rosie can't jump and never tried we put a very thin fence around the terrace you can't see it ! But she is very careful !

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

Happy to go back and read and challenge blogs. Scaling up of an A to Z 2020 participant blog. I am including all my challenge posts in an online course Prof. NRao offers Free Online Course in Industrial Engineering through Blog: Industrial Engineering Knowledge Center I got a global press release also made for it.