Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Ready for Resilience #AtoZChallenge

#AtoZChallenge 2020 badge

The team decided our theme for this month's posts here would be a take "2020 visions of blogging." This set of weekday posts focuses on:
Blogging Hopes and Dreams for the Future

I daresay that blogging is going to change in the future. Change is inevitable, much to my chagrin. Changes in blogging are already occurring and will continue to occur. Some of you have been blogging here with A to Z for more than a decade. Some of you have had your own blogs much longer than that. But this blogging Thing (with a capital T) that brings us together is a wonderful combination of anonymity and closeness that often reveals our true selves. We hope that you will all continue your blogs for many years to come, through the good times and bad. We are here to support you for our yearly event, but we need you to be resilient! Even when you think no one cares, even when you think it’s pointless, do it anyway. The world needs your words!

Are you READY to be RESILIENT with your blog in the future?

~Jayden R. Vincente (adult fiction writer)

#AtoZChallenge 2020 badge

Grab a copy of the Master List! Click this link.
Grab your A to Z gear, and other cool goodies from our graphics guy, here: NeatoShop.com/artist/Jeremy-Hawkins


Sonia Dogra said...

This is only my second year but I've found tremendous support. Thank you for a great blogging challenge.

ladyleemanila said...

I'm ready! :)

Gonz said...

If there is a symbol for resilience in the multiverse, that is Ravnica, the city that has lived for more than 10,000 years. What can we find in Ravnica that we can use in our D&D campaign? A labyrinth like no other.


Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

I'm ready too ;))
R is for Rayures

Susan Sanderson said...

I'm ready to be resilient. I might even have a theme ready for next year's challenge!
My post: R is for Redemption, Resurrection and risen https://suestrifles.wordpress.com/2020/04/21/r-is-for-redemption-resurrection-and-risen/

The mommy blogger said...

This is my second year at AtoZ, its the community that kept me going in such unprecedented times of COVID19.
Thanks to each and every blogger.


Charan Deep Singh said...

I am passionate about writing and that's all what matters. Today from letter R : 'Roads are Empty' is about my random ramblings when I look outside my window and all I see are empty roads, because of the lockdown.

Joy Weese Moll said...

Resilience is a great word! That would have worked well with my creativity theme, too. But I went with...

R is for Rest

NdakJoleh said...

The above article is nice and interesting, thank you willing to share! Greetings success of admin cetak buku murah wish you deign to visit my website, thank you :)

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

Much like any kind of writing :-)

An A-Z of Faerie: Red Caps

Anne M Bray said...

Not just words! ;-)
Back ends of trucks (4th year)
“Stitching the World” A-Z (embroidery project)

Aditya said...

Resilient - You must be. Passion does not listen to the world, it listens only to heart. And so if blogging is your passion... its all.

With R enjoy this Kashmiri traditional Mutton Curry - Rogan Josh


Sharon E. Cathcart said...

Facts About Pompeii: R is for Retiarius

KatyTrailCreations said...

Such kindness cannot be found anywhere between bloggers than right here! Even when I'm lagging behind so badly in visiting all of you. I will be catching up soon! Gardening has never been more important than when you're unable to work. Stupid pandemic.

asha said...

Top 5 awesome feelings you immediately get when you leave a toxic relationship! https://hopelesslyyhopefull.blogspot.com/2020/04/top-5-awesome-feelings-you-immediately.html

Crackerberries said...

I concur...it's a GREAT THING and we must continue to do it even when the world doesn't seem to care.... encourage encourage encourage!


CAAC said...


As long as I have the means and motivation, I will continue to blog regardless if it's popular or not. I really like this platform for sharing myself with others. Thanks for co-hosting another year!

Cathy's Pinup Girl Art Sketch Series 'R'

kaykuala said...

R Ready for Resilience



vesseys said...

Resilient is a good word. I think you are seeing this in the blogging community at the moment - hats off to these fine people.


J-Dub said...

Master list is only showing to 100 again

Susan B.Rouchard said...

Thank you Jayden for a great team and challenge this year. Your constant support is invaluable and between last year, my first, and this year I have constantly been wining visitors and feedback as well as reading some gifted and wise writers. Nearly there, though I am behind, WEP commenting oblige, but will catch up before W hopefully. Have a splendid week-end and wrap-up. Looking forward to the reflections day.

Pr@Gun said...

Resilient is a good word, I do plan to keep on blogging till my creative shoes are on and my thoughts are flowing.

My r post