The team decided our theme for this month's posts here would be "2020 visions of blogging." This set of weekday posts focuses on:

Whether you blog several times a day, several times a month, or several times a year, you're keeping the great tradition of blogging alive. Whether your blog is for music or politics or memoir or poetry or cat pictures or anything else, you're participating in a vital function of the Internet: bringing people together. Blogging has been around since the foundation of the Internet, but even before that, there were LISTSERV mailing lists, bulletin boards, Usenet newsgroups, chat rooms and many other ways of communication across the Internet. Even as those earlier forms of communication became Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter, which further morphed into Instagram and TikTok and WhatsApp, blogging remains.
Why? Because blogging fills a need that neither the old forms nor the newer forms of electronic communication accomplish: It presents the blogger as an individual. Your blog is your living room. When people come to your blog, they're coming to see you specifically. Can Facebook say the same?
There will always be a need for a place where people to fully express themselves, and in the face of occasionaly-draconian Terms of Service at social media sites limiting what you can say, your blog is your own platform where you can get away with saying about anything you want. Terms of Service on blogging platforms are far more liberal, giving you more of a free rein over what you say and how you say it.
So, let's continue this tradition and express ourselves freely, while we still can.
Do you feel that you can say anything you want on your blog?
Grab a copy of the Master List! Click Here
Grab your A to Z gear, and other cool goodies from our graphics guy, here:
Happy Easter Monday!
There was a time when I had a listserv mailing list. For the life of me I cannot recall how I set it up or how it operated. Pretty sad, huh?
#AtoZChallenge: Killer Cupcakes
Jingle Jangle Jungle - #AtoZChallenge: K
Truly, traditions play a very important role in many different aspects of our lives... and our "other" lives:
In Kaladesh, one of those traditions is Lifecrafting. Learn all about it in today's A to Z entry:
Hi John - I've always kept things simple ... and just blog - where I 'gently' write about eclectic things from history or in present day life ... take care - I do use Feedly to keep an eye on things of interest. All the best - Hilary
Yes, freedom of expression is important, but I try to be sensible about what I share online!
Yes, be free to say what you want! And say it depending on the platforms ;)
K is for Kaleidoscope
I love that we still have the freedom to say what we want on our blogs...thank you for that reminder!
I can mostly say what I want on my blog but always bear in mind that some of my family members read it lol
K for Keeping the Tradition
I feel that I have more space to express in my blog livingroom. I use my blog for art, poetry and writing. Other media sites seem more limited.
Saying anything? Comme si comme sa
Happy Monday y'all
The letter K
My blog is my home but to say exactly what I want? Not always. I still keep the reigns pulled tight because I don't want my space to be filled with controversy. There's enough of that on Facebook and Twitter which I really detest. That being said, I'm not offended by other people's opinions. We're all entitled to sharing different views but it's the way many people react when others aren't on the same page. Things turn ugly quick. People have zero tolerance and forget respect...that went out the window a long time ago. I learn from what others say even those I don't share the same point of view with. Everyone stay safe and healthy and happy A2Zing!
Cathy's Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge Art Sketch Series 'K'
I want to be more regular in blogging. I have recently got a domain and all, so making this success is my target.
Yes! Those are the reasons that I keep a blog going. I love your description -- this is my living room on the internet. It gives me a space to be, whether anyone visits or not.
In my living room today, I learned what a kick starter is when it's not a metaphor. Then, proceeded to think about the metaphor -- the kick starters I've designed to get back to work on my creative projects after a pause.
K is for Kick Starter
Definitely I can say what I want on my own blog but I also need to keep with my overall reason for blogging which is to make people smile and feel good so I stay away from politics. Happy Monday all.
Janet’s Smiles
Facts About Pompeii: K is for Kalends
"While we still can" says so much. I do keep most controversy under wraps with being a childcare provider. I will Always have to be the adult on social media. lol
Happy Easter Monday to All
Yes keeping tradition Alive... Most required, to stick to roots and let others know about it. My regional cuisine blog is inspired by the same. And also the Hindi poetry blog.
Hope you like it.
I am able to express more freely on my blog, but still self censor.
Today I wrote about how we are engaging our son during the lockdown and about his antics in general. Read Kids & Lockdown from Letter K and share your tips in the comments section of the blog.
Do you believe in Karma? Do you often wonder how you are punished for your not-so-good intentions in a moment’s notice? How your good deeds are always rewarded?
So with the tradition being kept alive, Enjoy this healthy Kafuli from Uttarakhand.
Blogging does provide a platform for your unique voice unlike other platforms. While I'm not tremendously consistent, I find that I take a break and I miss it and my creative urge hits again. Blogging is so many things, a voice, community, an opportunity to learn. Todak I'm sharing a Marinated Kabob Recipe. Come visit and check it out!
I am not a regular blogger but do feel guilty at times for slacking off. However, when I blog, I am very happy about the choice of words and the content I use in my post. Trying to keep the regularity of blogging amidst the busy life style is a challenge so far. Hopefully will overcome it someday and enjoy pursuing my passion of blogging more seriously.
My post for the letter K is -
I love having my own space to blog, and that's exactly how I feel about it - my own. I do feel free to say whatever I wish, and I definitely delight in being part of the blogging culture. Long live blogs!
Yes, it's my blog. I am the editor of a magazine of my life.
I like the phrase "your blog is like your living room" :-) I like to set the tone for the conversations that happen on my blog and -- within reason -- say whatever I want.
An A-Z of Faerie: Kelpie
I'm never too sure what I'll blog about. I like to promote other authors because I understand how difficult it is to have visibility with so many books being published every day. I also like to offer up things I think might help other author, things I've tried that have worked or things I've learned and am experimenting with. Sometimes it's personal experience I share. Mostly I just write what is important at the time. I've done this for a long time now, but I still enjoy blogging.
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