The team decided our theme for this month's posts here would be a take "2020 visions of blogging." This set of weekday posts focuses on:
Blogging in the Present
Interest changes. Every year I think I know what I want to blog about for the next Challenge. And then I change the idea multiple times. You might do the same. Having multiple interests is a good thing!
Inspiration changes. You might think your theme is up to date when you start, and then things turn around, and you might be inspired to blog, talk, muse about something else entirely. Allow yourself flexibility in the Challenge, and in your blogging!
Intensity changes. When you start a demanding challenge like A to Z, there are days when you just don't feel like doing anything at all. Sometimes you get excited, and sometimes you just cruise along. Both are okay!
In the moment, a lot of things can happen that Influence your blogging. I am writing this post two weeks in advance, and I can't even tell what things are going to look like both online and off by the time if goes live. But that's okay! Even if you plan ahead, you can always go back in an edit. Things change. Things get interesting. Inspiration strikes. Go with it!
Did your interests or inspiration change since you started the Challenge this year?
Tell us what inspires you!

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In my early blogging days, I was a pantser. But I have since learned that I am more of a plotter. I need that disciplined outline and a schedule to stick by. Otherwise, I become complacent.
Literary Gold - #AtoZChallenge: In One Fell Swoop
Jingle Jangle Jungle - #AtoZChallenge: I
I'm such a pre-writer! Most of the times I just want to publish at a certain time, but in the case of the A to Z challenge I prepare some basis to write about starting in February too, as I don't want too much pressure.
About today, let me invite you to Ixalan, which will give you the chance to ride some dinosaurs.
in the moment... blogging is keeping me busy… hope you're all safe and well x
Since the beginning of the Challenge, no, I didn't change anything. But before, yes! I'm a pre-writer type, and I start gathering informations and photos in advance. And I need to settle in a theme too ;) But once it's launch, I don't have time to blog everyday, plus visiting other blogs. These last 2 days were so so busy for me, I didn't even had time to vist my favorite Challengers... Hopefully there is a 3 days weekend coming, 3 days off ;)
I is for Improv
A wonderful post to read Lee. I am missing the Challenge but laptop and myself don't feel up it. Take care and well.
I am a planner and pre-writer. This year all my posts were ready by the last week in March. However I did have some more inspiration for yesterday's post, which I edited. I have been surprised how well my 'inspiration' has fitted with the season of Easter, about which I am writing. I chose my words for each letter before I looked up when they would be published. Today and tomorrow fit really well! https://suestrifles.wordpress.com/2020/04/10/i-is-for-institution-of-holy-communion-and-it-is-finished/
I prefer to pre-write my posts for a big challenge like this one -- it just makes it easier when one knows that everything is done and one can then focus on other things (like the next challenge. LOL.).
An A-Z of Faerie: Domovoi
I'm a bit of both. I usually have a plan of how I want things to be but often end up being a panster because life intervenes. Like it has this year - my theme was (still is) based around moving house but now thanks to Covid-10 we're going nowhere so I've tried to build that in to my posts. That's involved going back and editing the ones I'd already drafted.
ohh that's some planning. i keep everything for last minute. I am not very proud of that but in current scenario already juggling so many things, that its tough.
Facts About Pompeii: I is for Ides
The A-Z trucks I gather during my daily commute. In December, I started creating the posts, to evaluate what letters I needed to "chase". I was SO CLOSE to completion and then work-from-home started. I am missing K. K!!!!! Not OK! I need K for Monday! Ack! Monday will be seat of the pants!
The Stitching the World A-Z project is still being stitched. I compiled the "I" post last night and the formatting is all over the place. Just. Couldn't. Deal. Lots of contributors had "I" in their journeys. Yeah, "I" has Issues.
In A to Z, yes we need to plan a lot before hand and at least sketch an outline. That's what I do. And as we go ahead keep on updating with more inputs .
Its Idiyappam with I
I am an pantser for sure. In fact, had it not been for this 'stay-at-home' period, I may not have been able to participate at all. But, I'm grateful I'm here. It's given me the focus I needed to write about a topic I've been meaning to for a long time but hadn't gotten around to.
I am in the moment write. I can't pre-write
Today I wrote about Imagination and how it helps in dealing with the lockdown / stay at home situation. Read the post from Letter I titled Imagination.
Definitely a planner, but nothing could prepare me for the current situation the world is in. I did have all posts written ahead (on paper) so that is a big deal for me personally.
Both - I prewrote many of my posts this year. Because of Covid's direct affect on elderly (my theme) year I am rewriting many of my A to Zs.
Its an odd time.
Hoping that each of you stay home and keep well.
The Letter I
For many of the years of participating in this annual event, I was a pantser but two years ago I finally got my act together to successfully becoming a pre-writer for this blog fest and many other things I now do in Blogosphere. This year I wasn't so lucky to get everything done ahead but these are unusual times. We'll see if I can stay ahead or be swallowed when my last post catches up with the daily alphabet. :) That being said, I do find myself tweaking my scheduled posts a little to match things going and I'm a day late making return visits usually. Come Monday I'll find myself even farther behind but I'll get around to ever person. ;) I hope y'all are staying indoors safe and healthy.
Cathy's Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge Art Sketch Series 'I'
Prewriter for A-Z preferably, pantzer for other times. But doesn't always work out like that.
I tried my hand at pre-writing and it just didn't pan out. By the time the day rolled around for the letter of choice it just wasn't my mood. I'm a Flow with the GO kinda writer... and with what's going on right now...whew...we got plenty of time and things to flow about. Thanks for your INSPIRATION!
I pre-wrote this year. The plan was to have all the posts complete by April first. However the pandemic took my mind off of doing that for several weeks. I still had all of the post partly of fully completed. I'm working ahead to fine tune the next week. I have more time than usual to visit and comment on others.
Finding Eliza
I for In the Moment
I was a few days behind so I just caught up. I've enjoyed reading others' posts. Doing this year after year (and sometimes not finishing), it always amazes me that there are still things to write about using the letters of the alphabet. Keep up the good work, everybody! https://www.dianeweidenbenner.com/instant-pot-craze/
Nice post for I.
My post for today is - https://anjus.home.blog/2020/04/10/infertility-care/
I both plan posts and write about things that are happening in the now. It's the combination that works best for me.
It seems as a pantser I'm vastly outnumber by the planners. I've been playing for six years and like the challenge of in-the-moment writing. But I confess, if there's another challenge next year, I'll think about writing in advance. Of course circumstances are different this year, but I'm finding I have a lot less energy to do the extensive visiting I most love about A2Z. Sigh. Hopefully that'll shift next week.
I am a Pre writer and try my best to complete all the 26 alphabets. But I don't really succeed as things change and as per situation my mind changes, I would always like to inspire and motivate and some days i am in no mood to inspire... i still have posts to write.. I keep thinking about it and am also flexible to change what was written earlier.
Ever wondered why the Gen X or the 35 plus generation is so different from the millennial? What makes us that weird lot, who gets on everyone’s nerves by badgering them with questions? How we accept change so swiftly, trying out newer technologies, brands, food; travelling to places unknown and always sporting a heady attitude towards taking risks? What makes us distinct, crazy and often the outlaw? https://hopelesslyyhopefull.blogspot.com/2013/06/the-thirty.html
Planning is a must and pre writing too. Thats what makes it going
Inkaar se ikrar taq - Denial to acceptance - poetry in hindi
I only discovered the Challenge on the 1st of April so I am definitely a Pantser and I like the flexibility to respond to current events which are certainly providing much to think and write about.
Very grateful to Frederique at https://www.blogger.com/profile/15307507105646376697, for her tips on promotion which I am now following...
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