Saturday, April 4, 2020

Delightful! Jeremy Tribute Day ( #AtoZChallenge )

#AtoZChallenge 2020 badge

Celebrate Jeremy Day
         Today we want to take a pause to honor one of our long term behind the scenes members of the A to Z Team--Jeremy.

           If the name isn't familiar with you then his artwork surely is.  Jeremy Hawkins has been designing all of the badges and other graphics for the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge since 2013.   All the way from the yearly badge to the daily letter badges as well as headers and even T-shirt designs, Jeremy has been the creative genius behind those ubiquitous graphics that appear on numerous blogs throughout April and beyond

           Where can you find more about Jeremy?  He has an extensive social media and internet presence that covers a wide range of his interests and endeavors.   I encourage you to visit his blog or his other sites to say thank you and hello to him and to get a better idea of exactly what his talents encompass. 

             And I want to say to Jeremy, "Thank you my friend for being there when we need you!"

             Here are some of the places where you can find out more about Jeremy and his work:

Jeremy Hawkins

For Hire:

Art Available:
Animal Art/Design
Cheap Movie Art/Design

Visit: Being Retro

Being Retro

For A to Z T-Shirts as well as a lot of other cool designs:

Music Label:
Howlin' Wolf Records
Executive Producer/PR

Six Strings: Magazine


Social Media:

Six Strings: Magazine @jmhdigital68
JMH Digital [2020]

You can see the list of all Blogs on our Master List!


Jackie said...

Thanks for making the AtoZ challenge badges, Jeremy!

Sonia Dogra said...

Thank you Jeremy!

XmasDolly said...

Dude, you are fantastic. Such talent & puts a smile on my face I'll tell ya. My father-in-law (may he rest in peace) use to own the Harrison & Moody Advertising company in downtown Chicago on Ohio Street and when the company folded after his death all the pics & things from his office came home to my MIL & we were given many of his drawing. I have so much respect for a person with such great talent as I do for you sir. Thank you so much for your work & making us all look like professionals. Stay healthy to you & yours.

Mary B said...

Jeremy does fantastic work on the badges. I am certain he outdid himself this year. (One of my favorites so far!)

Literary Gold - #AtoZChallenge : Dead Broke
Jingle Jangle Jungle - #AtoZChallenge: D

J Lenni Dorner said...

He's the best! I'm so thankful that he donates his amazing skills to our hop.

Gonz said...

Well, well, well, Jeremy. It seems you deserve some experience points for your job around here. Thank you, mate!

And in case you want to put those points into use casting spells, I can only recommend visiting Dominaria:

ladyleemanila said...

thanks, Jeremy! :)

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Hourray Jeremy, lovely badges, great job!
Congratulations to all of you guys, this Challenge is a big thing to organize!
D is for Denim

Aditya Sinha said...

That's great . Special Thanks Jeremy. A to Z couldn't have been what it is today without your efforts. Kudos.

In my cuisine section it is Dhuska today.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi - it's great to see Jeremy being honoured here ... he deserves much credit over the years for producing the badges, and the kit for the A-Z ... congratulations and many thanks - always love the brand style. Cheers and all the best - Hilary

Wendy said...

Thanks for the great graphics and your input Jeremy.

Crackerberries said...

Thank you for all of your hard work Jeremy! We appreciate you so much!

Joy Weese Moll said...

This year's badge looks great on my blog -- thanks, Jeremy!

D is for Determination

Sharon E. Cathcart said...

Facts About Pompeii: D is for Dogs

aggiekesler said...

Thanks for designing the badges Jeremy!

My theme this year is memoir, and my 4th post is “Driving” for letter D. Enjoy!


Ashmita from Chaoticsoulzzz said...

Thanks to Jeremy, I have some amazing color on the badge section of my blog.

D is for Doughnut on Old, classic and delicious Doughnut.

Janet said...

Great work, Jeremy! I have a mug from the first year I participated. Love the colors this year. Thanks!

Janet’s Smiles

Ashmita from Chaoticsoulzzz said...

Loved your post on driving... I have kept my driving lessons on hold due to the Covid - 19 lockdown in India.

Hope to see you on my blog -

Ashmita from Chaoticsoulzzz said...

Your post is very informative. Just tumbled upon it from here.

Ashmita from

Ashmita from Chaoticsoulzzz said...

After reading your post, I was determined that maybe this year I will be able to participate and compete the A to Z challenge.

Ashmita from

Glenda Cates said...

I love the Graphics he creates and the colors he uses pops. I can't wait to check out more of his work and one day I may even hire him to design something for me.

asha said... - Daredevils

Aditya Sinha said...

It really is a fun going through all the posts and the comments. And Jeremy's badges make all these so easy to locate.

So in the Hindi Poetry section I have - Dard ka Rishta

Pls do visit.

The mommy blogger said...

This is really nice, I have always likes Jeremy's work and look forward to what new is he going to bring with every challenge.
Keep going.

Anjana said...

Thanks Jeremy for creating such lovely badges. It is a pleasure to include each letter badge in our daily posts.
My post on the letter D can be seen in the link -

Julie said...

Yay Jeremy! thanks for all the great badges and all the work you do to support this challenge. Check out my Depression Cake Recipe at the link below.

vesseys said...

Jeremy what would we do without you spectacular graphics? Thank you!!!

The letter D


Angie said...

He does a great job!

kaykuala said...

Thanks Jeremy for the wonderful Creations

Hank is here


Lady In Read said...

Hats off to Jeremy and love this tribute day!!
Here is my D post D is for Dream

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

I like the A to Z Blog posts this time. Each post is different and has interesting information to read.
My D-Day post is
Dow - DuPont - Industrial Engineering Activities and Jobs

All the A to Z posts of mine this year, will be form part of Online Handbook of Industrial Engineering and will remain useful for many years.

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

The badges, headers and other designs are always unique and fun to look at. Thanks, Jeremy!

An A-Z of Faerie: Duergar

Charan Deep Singh said...

I really like these badges...

My D post is titled : Dogs / Saare Kutte (Tried a poem in Hindi for the first time). English translation included. Read why and how of it as well here in the post to read All Dogs / Saare Kutte. CLick here.

CRD said...

Participating in the AtoZ BLogging Challenge 2020

For this years's challenge I am writing a series titled "Idiosyncrasies of a Covidiot"

Fourth episode in the series - D for Departmental Chor

Buttercup said...

Thank you, Jeremy. Love the badges.

Pr@Gun said...

It's nice to know about Jeremy and his work, no wonder you are Delighted to share it. Will surely check

My D post -