It's time!
It's time? Time for what?
Time to share your 2020 vision and sign up for the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge!
Click here to fill out our Google Form to sign up. Once you've signed up, your blog will appear automatically on the Master List!
The form will be open until April 5th, so make sure to get your sign ups in ASAP!
If you have any questions about signing up, check out our posts from 2019 or 2018. In 2019, we outlined all the information you need to sign up, and in 2018, we posted helpful videos. Not much has changed since then!
Upcoming Dates:
- Monday, March 16th: Theme Reveal Posts
- Wednesday, April 1st: A to Z Challenge Begins
- Sunday, April 5th: Sign Ups for the Master List Close
- Monday, May 4th: Reflections
- Monday, May 18th: A to Z Road Trip
I have already done 5 A To Z s on my English blog from 2015 to 2019 this time I am doing it on my Hindi blog, lete see how this works.
Yes. Getting ready. Blog and the theme ready just now. Industrial Engineering in Top Global Manufacturing Companies.
I shall write in more detail about industrial engineering in various top global manufacturing companies that fit in A to Z schedule. Narayana Rao, Professor, National Institute of Industrial Engineering, NITIE, Mumbai
Yay. Looking forward to seeing some great new stuff! I always learn something with the A to Z.
A question: perhaps I misread but in this post it said the theme reveal day is March 16; on the signup form it said March 18. Could you clarify which date it is?
Looking forward to the challenge, did you know I was the first one to sign up on the very first challenge?
Yvonne, of course I knew that! I was happy to see you signed up on the list for this year. Hope you have a great April and that both our computers hold up okay.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Yay! Signed up...great to be back. Also great to see some A-Z veterans on the list. Looking forward to April.
I just signed up for the April blog fest. Also, I sent you an email with a question. I'm looking forward to participating another year. This will be my 7th year at it! Thanks for keeping the ball rolling, my friend. Have a good day!
PEER PRESSURE. All my friends are doing it, so I guess I'll sign up to do it, too. *mumbles* jumping...bridge... */mumbles*
I'm so behind this year, since I've yet to finalize my theme for my main blog or pick one for my secondary blog! I have to move fast.
So happy to join the fun ;))
Alana -- good eyes!!! It's fixed now. The whole team missed that typo. March 16 is the right date.
Signed. 125 in the list.
so excited for the 2020 challenge! still not 100% sure of my theme so if anyone has any tips or suggestions I'd be grateful. xo
Looking forward to taking part again this year, but disappointed there is still no separate category for short story and flash fiction writers. Once again I'll be lumped in with blogs lecturing me how to write, something I do not want advice on!
Hi everyone! It was my first time last year and it was so unplanned. Yet, I just about managed. Looking forward to my second innings and a great spell of camaraderie!
Sonia from A Hundred Quills
Now prepared my basic versions of posts. I have to write my theme reveal post now.
I am looking forward to my third year! First year it was gardening, last year was poetry, this year? Both! I've been working on them since January!
I am so excited for the blog.... I've been practicing at blogging daily since January.... can't wait!
Can't wait
I just registered. Have a few queries, whom do I contact?
Aishwarya, just ask here or the Facebook page. Hopefully someone from the team will answer any questions you might have. Also check this blog for other answers.
Delighted to be part of it though nervousness is increasing day by day..Tips anyone for a first timer?Hoping to read a lot of wonderful posts..
Pashmeena Chowdhary
This is my second outing with April A to Z challenge and I am nervous as well as excited. Till today, I was not sure whether to take part or skip it. But the lure of the challenge was so strong that I took a leap of faith and decided to join the caravan. Hope I survive the challenge. Keeping fingers crossed.
I wish you all a very happy A to Z Challenge 2020!
Hi Arlee, I’ve been working on a new blog (getting the website, design and blog up and running) I’ve finally made the switch to WP from Blogger and it’s been quite a learning curve. I debated whether or not to do the challenge this year because I wasn’t sure I could get my site ready, but I managed to pull it all together just in time so I’m eager to participate. I’m really excited to see so many names of people participating from the past along with new participants, I’m delighted many of the veteran A-Z bloggers are returning after some took a year, two or longer hiatus.
I didn’t think I would make the theme reveal, but I see that I can still post my theme as long as it’s posted by tomorrow, Thursday, March 26, 2020. I’m certainly going to make every effort.
Here’s my question and I really hope you can help. I hate to even bother you so close to April 1st; I know you have so much going on. I’ve participated many years in the past. I haven’t always finished, but it’s felt like an amazing accomplishment the years I did. Every year I participated, I wrote from my former blog, my writing blog, , which is a blogger blog. So I was always logged in via Google. This allowed me to automatically comment on all blogger blogs. I had a slightly more difficult time commenting on WP blogs, but when I ran across one I truly found worth my time and interest, I figured out a way to comment.
I was extremely grateful for the Wordpress bloggers who offered numerous comment options such as commenting via Luv, Facebook, Twitter, Disqus or some other similar commenting system that only required me to login ONCE to the commenting system and it then remembered or stored my login information for subsequent blogs.
Now that I will be blogging from and asking people to comment on my WP
Blog can you advice me how to best comment on Blogger Blogs. I thought of just using my former blogger login, but that could cause mass confusion if it sends others to my former blog rather than my new lifestyle blog that I hope to promote and gain new friends and followers during the 2020 challenge.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Take care
Melissa Sugar
Former participant from
Participating this year from the blog I launch on April 1,2020
Https:// (Wordpress dot org blog)
And I can always be found on Twitter @Msugar13
Instagram @_Msugargold
Facebook Melissa Sugar & Candidly Sugar
Looking forward to the challenge just hoping I don’t screw up the commenting
Thanks for keeping this going again
Hello from Beijing! Recording experiences during this pandemic, through writing or producing content, is the most cathartic way to navigate these uncertain times.
My Blogging from A to Z April Challenge theme for this year is "Pandemic Journal." I'm joining it not for the likes or views but for my future self -- to tell him the reflections, stories, and efforts that have helped me survive my generation's biggest challenge. Here is the link to my theme reveal:
Trying to sign up but I'm hitting an issue with the form. It asks for my blog address but keep getting a message that I cannot use a .com url. I don't have any other url. with the word feed or blog in it. This IS the blog site . Suggestions please.......
Signed the challenge for the third time. Will try Indian Cuisine. Hope you enjoy going through the lanes of India with me.
Aside from Cuisine there would be more , in my other blog site I'll take upon some poetic journey. Enjoy the same along with me.
I can't sign up. the form is trying to force me to select a url, but the url options are not for my blog at all!
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