Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Coming Soon!

Blogging from A to Z April Challenge

Watch for information to come soon!!!!


Pradeep Nair said...

Looking forward to the 2020 edition of the A-Z Challenge round.

Alana said...

Looking forward to the details.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Lee - good to know and thanks in advance for your hard work in setting it all up ... cheers Hilary said...

I’d love to try this! I’ll be watching for more information!

Laura Roberts @ Buttontapper Press said...

Yay! Looking forward to another ride with the A to Z gang!

CAAC said...

Yes, indeed I am looking forward to participating again!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Yeah! Pretty logo by the way ;)

Lisa said...

I've been looking forward to this! Thanks!

Sonnia J. Kemmer said...

I used to do this challenge in my old blog. I have a new blog and I would love to join the challenge again this year.

Leslie Moon said...

wow 11 years.
I am jumping on again this year as I have wi-fi access. 2019 was an off year for me (well I was writing full time in and for Africa)
Thanks Arlee for your commitment and encouragement.

I am @moondustwriter

Ingrid said...

Another round ? I don't know if I have the courage to participate !

Lady Igor said...

Think I will join this for the first time :) Looking forward to see what the theme will be!

CAAC said...

Is there going to be a form again this year to sign up? It appears that the sign-up while it says open March 1st in the side menu, I'm not seeing a post to confirm that it's actually open. You can count me in for another year, though. I'll work on my Theme Reveal post and get ready for the blog fest. Thanks, dear friend!

Arlee Bird said...

Cathy, yes there will be a similar Google form as last year. There has been a bit of a delay, but the post should be up soon.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

rhodrymavelyne said...

I'm confused by the sign-up sheet. What exactly are we agreeing to when we click on one of those blogs on the first page? Why is it required?

Arlee Bird said...

rhodry...- not sure I understand what you are asking, but I'll try to respond based on my interpretation. Nothing on the sign up sheet is required to participate in A to Z--you can do it without signing up. Clicking on a linking doesn't obligate you to anything --being on the list or clicking on the list is merely a way of finding A to Z participants which can also be done by going to the Facebook page or looking on Twitter. The master list just a way of compiling a list of A to Z participant blogs to make them easier to find.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

TWW said...

I am so looking forward to this again this year. Can I ask the powers that be, if it would be okay to start a group for this years A to Z on Goodreads? Thanks in advance.

Susan B.Rouchard said...

Thanks Arlee. Not participating I gather, fixing things again, I suppose. Have a great challenge on the other side of the looking glass. An A to Z group on goodreads would be nice, but isn’t there already an A to Z reading challenge ? So that might be confusing .... to some. Good suggestion anyway. Have an inspiring week.