Monday, May 20, 2019

ROAD TRIP! #AtoZChallenge 2019 Post Challenge Blog Hop

Sign up for the road trip!
The form will close on May 27, 2019.

We ask that you pick just ONE post from your #AtoZChallenge 2019 offerings.

Which do you wish more people had commented on? Or which was your favorite?


(Your link will probably look long, as it likely includes your title in the link. If you only see your blog name, that's not a direct link to your post. Try visiting your blog — not where you WRITE the posts, but where others go to view your posts — and clicking on the date or on the title of your posts. That should bring up just the post, making it easy to copy the direct link. If you need help, please ask in the comments — include a link to your blog and the letter of the post of which you need a direct link.

What does boarding this Zeppelin mean?

The road trip, unlike the main challenge, is ALL about visiting other blogs to comment.
Please don't drop your link and then not participate in the "hop" part of this blog hop.

How fast does the Zeppelin fly? That's up to you.
Visit one blog a day. Visit 20 in a month. Visit them all in February because you're snowed in and remember this exists.
It's all good.

❗Signing up for the Road Trip is a commitment that you will continue to hop to other blogs on the road trip from May thru March.

That gives you ten months to visit these blogs!
Please, first comment on the person's linked A to Z blog post, and then consider surfing to the person's latest post to comment there as well.

Be sure to include this phrase in your comments:

Stopping by from the #AtoZChallenge Road Trip!

Why is there a Zeppelin for a road trip? Wouldn't that be an air trip?

Can you for once be cool - Barney Stinson- HIMYM- NPH

Because the Road Trip was mentioned on the Z post.
You know what large dirigible balloon starts with Z?
Maybe next year we'll ask Jeremy for a Zamboni.
Then we can road trip on ice! ⛸️
Or a Zenvo. ๐Ÿš—

Here's the link to the Zeppelin landing zones to visit on this road trip:

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary badge #AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary badge SURVIVOR badge

Grab your A to Z gear, and other cool goodies from our graphics guy, here:


Roland Clarke said...

My main aim during the months of the Road Trip is to get to the posts on other sites that got log jammed in my in-box. Since all my A-Z posts were part of one short story/novella, I'm more concerned to draw readers to my ongoing story. One question: I marked my posts as Adult as I have LGBQT content that might be offensive to some people. But is it Adult?

J Lenni Dorner said...


Adult content? *
Does your Blog contain adult content? Not sure? Check out step 5!

It's more about legal definitions than "offended."

IF the link doesn't answer it for you, one of us could come to look, if you like. Or email the team and with anything you think could get you flagged to speed up the process.

Roland Clarke said...

Thanks J Lenni, I read Step 5 and it helped. But I felt my posts might be 'Adult' because of the LGQBT content - although, the level of graphic details and sexual interaction is minimal; more YA than adult. Am I being too wary? Here's probably the most questionable scene - in the opening few paragraphs:

Dave Roller said...

I am looking forward to participating in the road trip. To clarify my commitment, I am committing to visiting all the sites on the road trip and commenting on them except the ones described as containing explicit (my word not yours, as I feel most blogs including mine have adult content, just not in the way that you choose to define it) content. I certainly will hit all the rest with mucho and gusto.

Roland Clarke said...

Adult seems to deter folks but mine isn't explicit. Guess that's why I get few visitors.

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

I signed for the roadtrip. I asked on Twitter number of times about what is your favorite post. I hope A to Z bloggers sign for the roadtrip and give their favorite post in the sign up form. The post about which I am very happy is

Zero-Based Productivity Management of Supply Chain - McKinsey Way Supply Chain Industrial Engineering

The post allowed me to bring back a topic that I initiated long back into discussion once again showing its relevance as top consultant McKinsey is talking of it now.

Thank you A to Z organizers. The search for "Zero" brought the recent development into my view.

Ingrid said...

I always thought that a Zepplin looks like a flying fish !