Monday, April 29, 2019

Y is for the rest of the Year (#AtoZChallenge)

We're celebrating our Tenth Anniversary here at the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge.

The Challenge is ending tomorrow! Whew! You all have been amazing! As we slowly leave April behind (and we are most definitely not already planning our themes for next year, nope), blogging routine returns to business as usual.

What are your plans for the rest of the year, until the April hype starts up again?
Maybe you will

1. Have a new post series on your blog?
2. Will publish a book based on A to Z?
3. Work on a new blog design?
4. Join another challenge in the meantime?
5. Plan a blog hop?
6. Host a blog tour?
7. Dip your toes in a new social media platform?
8. Start a podcast?
9. Read new books from your TBR list?
10. Practice something you learned from A to Z?

Whatever it is, tell us in the comments if you feel like it! :)


That's the link to the Master List. You can find, and hop to, all the blogs officially participating on that sheet.

Grab your A to Z gear, and other cool goodies from our graphics guy, here:

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary badge


Pr@Gun said...

Masoom said...

Y for Yearbook !

CAAC said...

Yee-haw, another A2Z year coming to a successful end! Y'all have been the best. I sure do appreciate every single thing the A2Z team does. Blogging life will resume to normal after this event ends. I'll keep on sketching and sharing. I reckon I'll begin thinking about my 2020 A2Z theme but chances are slim that I'll actually do anything to prepare for it beyond ideas bouncing off my head. I get wiped out, even burned out for a while after A2Zing all month. Anywho, y'all come visit today's post that challenged me to get creative with the alpha-prompt.

A2Z Little Mermaid art sketch 'Yazzy'

Charan Deep Singh said...

I will be surely reading and then reviewing books on my blog after the challenge. Today's post from letter Y is up. Yash Chopra was one of the most successful film-makers in Bollywood / Hindi Films. Read Y for Yash Chopra's cliches - Hindi Films / Bollywood

MeenalSonal said...

You have mentioned the desired list for all bloggers, will atleast try to finish 7 from the list till the end of year.
We cannot believe it, tomorrow is the last day of the challenge.

Sunita said...

A time to heal. Yesteryears it is.

Anne M Bray said...

Y I can't believe it's almost over!
I'll have 26 new Fluevog shoe patterns to put into real repeat and upload to Redbubble and Spoonflower so that Fluevog lovers can get their garments, stationary, art, fabric, home decor, etc, etc. Last year I only refined about three of the 2018 A-Z patterns. I hope to do better this year.
A-Z shoes:

The truck art will be rolling into Beverly Hills May 18-19. I'll include an A-Z "poster" printed on metal from the 2017 trucks in my booth display.
A-Z trucks:

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Wow, that is a challenge! I'm so glad I was able to do it till the end (well, almost!). After that, back to normal, a lot less posts!
Y = Y seam

Janet said...

Going to try my hand at more YouTube videos since this one turned out not too badly. Great time participating again this year. Thanks to all who came to visit and to the amazing crew who kept us all going!

Janet’s Smiles

Rob Z Tobor said...

Well Plans for the year . . . I need to finish my workshop then I can consider making a folly in the garden. I have plans for that, only I need to sort out many other things first.

As for the Blog it has had a lean couple of years due to other commitments, but doing the A to Z has been good and I hope to get more posts up during 2019-20. . . I think there will be some workshop based posts at first which might make some folk fall asleep. I mean looking at sheds is like watching paint dry so watching the paint dry on a shed is something folk might avoid.

I like sheds though so . . . . PHEW.

Rob Z Tobor

Lisa said...

Posting on this year's A-Z blog (I made one just for the challenge!) at least twice a week, hopefully. Not daily! And, my other blog as often as I've been.
Nothing much will change!
I'll check in on my favorite bloggers now and again, mostly the same ones I "found" during last year's challenge. There are a few new ones too.

2 gators said...

I plan on posting daily and following up with my hops that I already belong too

Antoinette said...

It's been a Yipppeee A2Z. Thanks a bunch.

Anjana said...

For the rest of the year, I am planning to read as many blogs as possible written by the A2Z Challenge participants across the globe.
My post for the Y is -

Susan B.Rouchard said...

Thank you Tarkabarka Hölgy for all your very helpful and encouraging posts, as host during this year's A to Z Challenge, 10th Anniversary. Will be visiting your blog shortly. Hoping you will be hosting next year too.

Blogger's cheer
Susan bury Rouchard.

Claire Annette said...

Thanks for your suggestions. I'm going to try to be more consistant in blogging and get more familiar with instagram. Also - I did write a book based on my 2016 a-z challenge and am trying to find a publisher.

Julia Jhonson said...

That one was really nice... I like this and really enjoyed... Keep it up and I also read your blog posts. can I get a few more information if you have about few things which you shared in the past. I will be thankful to you...


Better late than never. Still dealing with some health issues. My post for Y is linked below:

Roland Clarke said...

As I'm still wading through hundreds of A to Z emails, my plans are to get through May with my Inbox cleared, read some TBR books, and write more shorts, primarily for the WEP Challenges.

Donna B. McNicol said...

I really, I mean REALLY need to get the fourth book in my C'Mon Inn Mystery series written and published. People have been waiting WAAAAYYY too long.

DB McNicol
author, traveler, shutterbug
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