Saturday, April 27, 2019

X-Cellent Finish! #atozchallenge

We're celebrating our Tenth Anniversary here at the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge.

#AtoZchallenge: The blog hop that made an online community by asking bloggers to spend the month of April using the English alphabet as inspiration for their posts. We're glad you stopped by today.


This is my last contribution to the A to Z Challenge blog for the 2019 season, so I wanted to take a moment to congratulate all of you for making this year the best one ever. Okay, that might be hyperbole, but if the increase in activity on my blog is any indication, you've all done a terrific job, not just with your posts on your own blogs, but with visiting other blogs and leaving comments, or at least leaving some indication that hey, you were there supporting them.

This has really taken off among a dedicated group of bloggers (that's youse guys, as we say in Chicago) since the first time I participated in 2012. Every year it's gotten better, with more bloggers connecting with other bloggers, making a bigger and better community. A community you've helped create.

There's a link to the Master List for the Challenge below. Be sure and take a minute and make a copy of it for yourself. Most of the bloggers on the list are active all year, some posting daily. Between the end of this year's challenge and the start of the next one, visit some of those bloggers, both the ones you made contact with and the ones you didn't get to visit.

Thank you for making the A to Z Challenge the highlight of my blogging year!

That's the link to the Master List. You can find, and hop to, all the blogs officially participating on that sheet.

Grab your A to Z gear, and other cool goodies from our graphics guy, here:


Powdered Toast Man said...

I only participated once like 7 years ago. I def need to plan on doing it next year. Thanks for making it fun.

Pr@Gun said...

Rob Z Tobor said...

O yes X is one of those letters. We are all bimbling along all happy and thinking well I have almost finished then X comes along and bites us. Luckily I Planned for this with a Plan because I know my A to Z's having done a few. So I say HAHAHAHhha haha hahahah hhah hha haha ha hahah ah ah ha because I am also a bit mad.

Rob Z Tobor

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

X-Cellent Finish! #atozchallenge 2019 Operations Management A to Z Because of this challenge, I could write some useful posts on the subject of Operations Management. I am confident that some of them will be ready by large number of MBA degree holders.

CAAC said...


The last couple of letters in the alphabet is always the most challenging but I pulled it off and hope y'all will me for my latest A2Z Little Mermaid art sketch with X is for Xylophone Player!

Sharon E. Cathcart said...

Celebrating 10 years in print for In The Eye of The Beholder

X is for 10

Janet said...

Another Excellent year with the A to Z. Thanks to you all for making it such a fun experience. Janet’s Smiles

Girl Who Reads said...

Thanks for helping organize this event. I think I was able to get some creative book photos. There are not many book titles that start with X so I issued a challenge to my followers. Chime in today at Girl Who Reads

Anne M Bray said...

X to the finish line!

The X shoe:

The X truck:

Anjana said...

Xcited as the end is fast approaching!!
My post on X -

Sunita said...

Thank you for the xtra push,

Charan Deep Singh said...

My theme for this year was Bollywood cliches. And letter X is always tricky.
But I had a great topic to write about. Read X : XL sized egos of Bollywood Stars

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

My fisrt time participating at the Challenge, and I loved it! So fun to figure what to say starting with tricky letters (boy, X wasn't easy)!
X = X & +

J Lenni Dorner said...

Love the meme!

rhodrymavelyne said...

Thank you for offering this opportunity to all of us to creatively post every April!

Gail M Baugniet - Author said...

Thanks for all your entertaining blog posts this year, John. It's good to hear that participation in the AtoZChallenge is such a continuous success.

Masoom said...

X is for

2 gators said...