Friday, April 19, 2019

Q is for Questions (#AtoZChallenge)

We're celebrating our Tenth Anniversary here at the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge.

Sometimes, even if you enjoyed a post, it is hard to say something fun and original in the comments. So here is a neat thing a lot of you are already doing, and some of you might also want to try: Ask a question at the end of your post! It inspires conversation, sparks ideas, and engages visitors beyond "nice post!"

Here are ten kinds of questions you might ask:

1. "Have you ever visited this place too?" (Travel)
2. "Are there books you would recommend to someone who liked this one?" (Books)
3. "Have you tried this food before? Do you have a similar recipe?" (Culinary)
4. "Does this story/belief exist where you live?" (Mythology & Folklore)
5. "Where do you think this story is going next?" (Writing)
6. "Do you have a similar memory?" (Personal)
7. "Would you play this as it is, or would you make changes to this game?" (Gaming)
8. "Are there songs from other genres that this one reminds you of?" (Music)
9. "Do you have suggestions for resources on this topic?" (Genealogy)
10. "How do you think these events could be best told as a story?" (History)

Even if questions seem self-explanatory, they can spark responses if they are written down, rather than implied. Be creative, and have fun!


That's the link to the Master List. You can find, and hop to, all the blogs officially participating on that sheet.

Grab your A to Z gear, and other cool goodies from our graphics guy, here:

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary badge


ladyleemanila said...

a quatern from me :)

Sunita said...

An abecedarian from me..Quietude

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Do you really know what a quilt is?
Q = Quilt

CAAC said...

Commenting can be tricky. I always look for an opportunity to pull something from my own experience or to ask questions or even be silly. The author puts a great deal of time into his/her posts, so respectfully we should give it our best shot when leaving a message. A good set of questions to spark conversation!

Check out Atlantica's QUEEN, Althena, & the Little Mermaid's mother in today's A2Z Little Mermaid art sketch 'Queen' post. Happy a2zing everyone!

Deboshree said...

Great suggestions! Will start using them.

Sharon E. Cathcart said...

Celebrating 10 years in print for "In The Eye of The Beholder"

Q is for Queen Victoria

Anne M Bray said...

Questions. So many questions.

The Q truck:

The Q shoe:

Jackie said...

I enjoy answering questions in the comments if I know the answer.

Angie said...

I always ask if readers have seen the movie I'm posting about!

Q is for Quest for Camelot!
Q is for My Ultimate Disney Quest!

kalpana solsi said...

Have you ever visited the historic city of Agra, India?

Girl Who Reads said...

I used to think that asking questions would encourage people to leave a comment, but it really didn't. I think if someone wants to leave a comment, and the writer has done their job, they will find something in the post worth commenting on.

See if I was sucessful in my quest to find a book title that starts with Q at Girl Who Reads

Anjana said...

Asking questions in an effective way so that the questions get answered for sure is the key point to note.
My post for Q -

Charan Deep Singh said...

The Hindi film songs had this strange fascination with pots at one point of time. Lets see what else was in store. Read Q is for Queer Props and Sets used in Bollywood Songs

Masoom said...

Queen for Q

2 gators said...

Q is for quaint

Pr@Gun said...