We're celebrating our Tenth Anniversary here at the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
I don't know about you, but I know I couldn't do the Challenge alone, without the help and support of many other people. So, here is my question to you today:
If the Challenge was the Academy Awards, what would you use your acceptance speech for? Who are the people you'd like to thank for their help and support? And what is the message you would like to share with all of us?
And, just to fit with the theme: Who are the ten people that have been the most influential to your blogging career?

thanks everyone! :)
I would have to say a big thank you to youtube, google and certain websites that helped me get the necessary information for my challenge
What a great, thought provoking question! Ten most influential people...A-Z would feature somewhere in there for sure.
For this year, I'd have to say a special thank you to our very own Lee (aka Arlee Bird) founder of this annual event for his gentle encouragement to join the 10th-anniversary bash, as well as John (The Sound of One Hand Typing) rallying me to get in on the fun. I was really uncertain if I wanted to devote my energy again this year because I felt a bit strained for time.
The bloggers who influence me most in Blogosphere are too many to name and I wouldn't dare try to name them all for fear I'd leave someone out but the important thing I've picked up over the years is making sure to respond to every comment left on my site and leave a message on every blog I visit. These two things alone show how vested you are in the blogging world as well show others that you appreciate their contributions. We need to make the effort to not be hurried but to enjoy this journey and any of you aren't doing that then now is the time to start. ;) Happy a2zing!
A2Z Little Mermaid art sketch ‘ Ollie’
Continuing our celebration of 10 years in print for In The Eye of The Beholder ...
O is for Opéra Garnier
Oscar speeches are short, so I will try it this way ;) My thanks are going to the wonderful bloggers, specially the quilters' community which is a very friendly and caring one. Ten people wouldn't be enough. And thank you guys for the Challenge, it's a great way to know different interest bloggers and discovering new horizons ;)
O = Organization
If the shoe fits
keep on truckin'
Oh gosh, this is so unexpected, thank you so much. I must thanks my friends, my guinea pigs, especially Fred and George, and Dawn and her pigs Marius and Willoughby, and my good friends Rebecca, as well as all the other BookElves especially Steve, Julie and Cheryl... and everyone who has ever liked or tweeted one of my posts, and of course the whole A to Z team.... [rest of speech cut off by organisers, or gone to commercial break]
Today: O for Orogeny
Consider me a mad hatter who comes up with funny ideas to write a prompt :D
I would first thank God Almighty.
I would thank Google, Youtube videos which made my information gathering easier at the click of a button. I would thank my readers who read and left comments on my blog. This is heartening for the blogger.
I would have to thank my blogging team. They have helped with this challenge 2 years and though I'm doing it alone on Instagram this year, I couldn't keep up with the daily schedule of the blog without them.
See what I'm obsessed with at Girl Who Reads
I just started both of these blogs this month, so of course I'd have to thank you guys!
O is for Once Upon a Time!
O is for The Outcasts!
Of course Mr. Bird @tossingitout for starting the show, John Holton @thesoundofonehandtyping for his technical assistance with links and things, Deborah Weber @temenosoftheblessinglight for her love of abecedariums that led me to the A to Z and all the bloggers who work so hard to keep up the whole month. Especially those who take the time to comment on my little offerings.
Janet’s Smiles
Just for a second I was tempted to write a long spoof speech thanking everyone. But it's very late here and I am tired with a busy day ahead of me. So you have all been saved for now . . . . .
First of all I would like to thank the A2Z Challenge team for organising such a wonderful platform for all the bloggers.
My huge thanks will be to all my friends, various media forms of the internet and last but not the least a special thanks to my observation and imagination skills which seem to have shot up greatly during the past few weeks.
My post of O is - https://anjus.home.blog/2019/04/17/ode-to-organic-farming/
I would like to thank hosts of this challenge. Fellow bloggers who inspire me to write and my family members from whom I steal time to write.
Today in line with my theme about Bollywood Cliches, I analyze trends in vocations of leading characters in Hindi Films. Read O is for Occupations in Hindi Films / Bollywood
O for Okapi
Hank is here:
Post Orchestra for "O"
Well I'm known for waffling so any speech of mine would definitely get cut short but I'd have to include all those who make the A-Z challenge possible - you know who you are, my cousin who got me started on this whole thing, all my blogging friends and, this year, my muse Alice for the conversations in my head. (Or maybe not - she's full of her own self importance already!)
I want to thank the great Arlee Bird for giving me a role in his epic drama and Ninja Alex. And my mum and dad. And the composers. And editors. And the guy that picked my scenes back off the cutting room floor. And - bursts into tears - the three people that made this adventure possible. You know who you are, so I don't need to mention names and embarrass you tonight of all nights.
o is for opulence
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