No matter how much we look toward some future goal, sometimes the best part is not getting there, but the journey itself. Enjoy the ride and you'll feel better about your experience...
We're celebrating our Tenth Anniversary here at the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
#AtoZchallenge. The blog hop that made an online community by asking bloggers to spend the month of April using the English alphabet as inspiration for their posts. We're glad you stopped by today.
Are you still with us? You're nearly half-way you know. Looking ahead, you're about to reach the tippy top height of the Challenge roller coaster. After that it's all downhill. Sounds easy, doesn't it. But I can empathize.
That last mile of the journey can sometimes seem like the longest and then before you know it--it's over and done with. Hang in there with your postings and keep trying to visit as many other blogs as you can. And as you look even farther ahead, past those last tricky letters and finally the big "Z" you will hopefully see new blogging friendships in your future as well as an inspired sense of self-confidence.
Stick with it bloggers! You've got this and we're rooting for your success. If you can finish successfully, then looking ahead I predict you will be pleased with your accomplishment. You might even start looking ahead to next year's Challenge.
But let's not go too far with this. We've got this year to finish. And finish we will...

I'm still with it. I feel stuck with each new letter, then something pops into my head. Bam! I've got a post. I do enjoy the challenge of this...challenge. :-)
The post for letter "L" is LOTUS.
Happy Saturday! :)
Yes, nearly halfway ;) K seems to be a tricky letter for some themes, and for others, there are not a lot of alternative and we found to have the same word! How funny!
L = Log Cabin
I remember from the last time I did this. Somewhere around M, N, or O... that was the hardest part. But it really does start to get easier after that, once you know that Z is in sight!
Continuing our celebration of 10 years in print for "In The Eye of The Beholder" ...
L is for Limehouse
MMmmmmmmm Next year . . . I wonder if anyone has done the A to Z of Cheese. Actually that is far to sensible for me, but if anyone is thinking OOooooooo then I say go for it. After all everyone loves Cheese.
Rob Z Tobor
Still here!
L is for Love, Simon!
L is for Living with the Land!
Love, love, LOVE this challenge!
The L truck:
The L shoe:
I am still here. woot woot. thanks to whomever it was that recommended i prepare several posts in advance! i think it might have been jenni or heather but thanks team. :)
Joy at The Joyous Living
My posting is here:
L for Lemur
I'm still in on two blogs (along with one blog's instagram account). It's been a challenge but it's fun too. I didn't expect to but on the poetry blog cactus haiku I've started writing the haiku/senryu with all the words (except prepositions) in the letter of the day and learning new words at the same time. Loving it.
I was looking forward tio the 1oth anniversary of the challenge but personal reasons have robbed me of something I enjoyed doing each year.
Long may it continue,
Just wrote something and posted on the given prompt. I am indeed LOOKING AHEAD to see better :)
I'm enjoying doing this challenge on Instagram this year. It has challenged me to think of pretty ways to display books. I'm looking forward to doing it again next year.
See all the Ls that happened today at Girl Who Reads
My post for L is -
As second week closes, and in line with my theme of bollywood cliches today I talk about an interesting literary device which can be absurd at times. L is for Lost and Found Formula. Read about Lost & Found formula in Bollywood / Hindi Films
Finally getting smart have all my posts written and ready for posting. Makes it so much more fun to visit other sites.
(AtoZ Theme: very short stories/various genres)
My post for "L" is linked below.
I am still here, got a little behind but quickly got caught up. As, many have stated life got in the way. Thank you for this great hop
I'm loving the extra visits to new bloggers (new to me, that is).
Thanks, and best wishes!
Cherdo on the Flipside
Blogging from A-to-Z April Challenge
Playing catch up but still here; and when all caught up (by tonight), need to do more visits to blogs , my L post -
100 emails to read but trying to resist deleting them. And still got X, Y and Z to write.
Still here and finally got all my posts finished and scheduled. More time now for checking out the master list!
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