We're celebrating our Tenth Anniversary here at the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
#AtoZchallenge. The blog hop that made an online community by asking bloggers to spend the month of April using the English alphabet as inspiration for their posts. We're glad you stopped by today.
V trivia:
- V is never silent in any word. (Excludes proper nouns, which aren't dictionary words anyway.)
- The letter V was created when the Romans changed the look of the Etruscan upsilon, which was stolen from the Greeks, who took it from the Phoenicians (Canaanites), who adapted it from the Proto-Sinaitic Egyptian scribe shorthand.
- Letter v and u were once interchangeable.
- Ever wonder why "W" isn't pronounced "double-V"? It's because Germanic languages influenced heavier than Classical Latin.
- In Roman numerals, five is written as V.
- V is the sixth least frequently used letter in the English language.
- Seven words that end with V:
- improv
- isogriv
- maglev
- shiv
- schav
- vav
- lev
- Vizcacha: a burrowing rodent. Has a base score of 27 in the game of Scrabble.
- The word venison derives from the Latin word venor, which means hunted. It could refer to the edible meat of any hunted animal, but deer were the most popular game when the word was coming into use, thus it most often means deer meat.
- Haricots Verts (French-style green beans) are pronounced “arr-ee-co-vair.” Vichyssoise (a cold potato leek soup) is pronounced “vishy-swozz.”
Villians! Who is your favorite fictional one and why?

I love random facts. I use vav in scrabble a lot when I get stuck with two v's.
My favorite villain is Brain from Pinky and the Brain.+
Very interesting V info!
V for Vessel
I like the Letter V because it is possible to say WXYZ very quickly . . . And that is a good thing
Rob Z Tobor
Voilá! VVonderful, VVonderful V-list. In yesterday's 'U' post I sketched The Little Mermaid's main villain, Ursula and today's illustration, you'll get to see her as Vanessa. I hope you'll visit me soon! ;)
Vroom! Hitting velocity as we reach the end!
The V truck:
The V shoe:
Continuing our celebration of 10 years in print for In The Eye of The Beholder ...
V is for Visiting Cards
Fun trivia.
Check out the V titled books I'm featuring at Girl Who Reads
V for Verdant Valley
W IS pronounced "double-V" in French ;)) I guess we are more Latin than Germanic!
V = Value
As always informative post for today!
My post for the V day is - https://anjus.home.blog/2019/04/25/varicose-veins/
Thanks for the scrabble help. Interesting tidbits.
Janet’s Smiles
My theme this year was Bollywood Cliches. Today I talk about changing Viewers's tastes and how a cliche called Voice-over persists. Read V is for Viewers and Voice overs in Hindi Films
Not only is V always pronounced, in the Hawaiian language, the letter W in the middle of a word is pronounced as a V so Hawaii can correctly be pronounced: Ha-vy-ee (but not: your velcome!)
v is for vehement https://heavygators.blogspot.com/2019/04/a-to-z-blogging-v-is-for-vehement.html
My post for "V" is linked below:
Thanks for all the information about the letter V which was my most difficult post to write since I wasn't impressed with the V book that fit my theme. I don't feel so bad now knowing that it isn't a frequently used letter.
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