Monday, March 18, 2019

Theme Reveal #AtoZchallenge Tenth Anniversary

Theme Reveal #AtoZchallenge Tenth Anniversary 2019
Theme Reveal sign up link!

Welcome to the great and mighty Theme Reveal!
As always, this is optional.
It's kind of a sneak peek of what you will blog about in April.
The post builds up excitement.

Please make sure your link works and leads directly to your THEME REVEAL post, not your main blog. Thanks!
A direct link **DOES NOT** include "wp-admin" or "postID." That is a Wordpress dashboard or Blogger post creation page. You should not share a link with "wp-admin" or "postID" in it. Ask for help if you don't understand.

The Theme Reveal form closes on March 28. That's the link where you can view the sheet. If you make a copy for yourself before March 28, please remember to come back to grab other links you may have missed!
Instructions on using the sheet can be found there.

As a reminder, you can ONLY sign up for the Theme Reveal using this link
You should only sign up your blog, not someone else's.
Please make sure you sign up for the challenge BEFORE you sign up for the Theme Reveal.
Ask a team member if you need help.

#AtoZChallenge 2019 badge


Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

My theme: #AtoZChallenge 2019 - Operations Management A to Z

Happysurfer said...

Surprise! I thought I'd check in on this page today and to my surprise caught this update for the 10th anniversary. I didn't manage to finish last year and am still wondering whether I should sign up this year. We'll see! Happy 10th!

JazzFeathers said...

Just posted my Theme Reveal: Berliner Cabaret

CAAC said...

My Theme Reveal is live! I added my info (#46) to the list. Here's to another year of great fun. I hope y'all will decide to join me in my 7th year of A2Zing! Have ��

Jemima Pett said...

Yes, my theme reveal is up too! WriteClub19 +Theme Reveal AprilA2Z

The guinea pigs will be blogging again this year but only weekly, since it seems to exhaust them. This means they'll be going through their blog's tenth anniversary with a post for F, possibly on Reflections day! George's Guinea Pig World

The Solitary Writer said...

My theme for this year's challenge is - misadventures of a superhero.

Keith's Ramblings said...

I'm on the list, and my theme this year is entitled Once Upon a Time. I'll be posting very short stories for children and some about children.

Keith's A-Z Reveal!

Roland Clarke said...

Just posted my Theme Reveal:

Dani said...

Theme Reveal went up yesterday and I'm super stoked to say I have all of my posts done and prescheduled!! Easy breezy from here!!

Retired Knitter said...

Hello, I just posted my Theme Reveal - which can be found here:

Is there a place where you can find all the links that connect you with various Reveals??

J Lenni Dorner said...

Retired Knitter - That's the link where you can view the sheet. If you make a copy for yourself before March 28, please remember to come back to grab other links you may have missed!

Janet said...

Just posted my theme reveal. Now can I manage it? Looking forward to reading some new interesting stories!

The Joyous Living said...

yippe! just posted my theme reveal. actually just remembered to even sign up (woops).

Joy (

Pradeep Nair said...

I posted mine just now... At number 166. Or the following link will take you to my post.

Nobbinmaug said...

This is my first time participating in the A To Z Challenge. I started my blog to gain interest in the science fiction stories I write for kids. My blog has moved away from that and expanded into flash fiction and poetry by way of various challenges. I'm using this challenge as an opportunity to get back to my origins. I figure, if I get stuck on a letter, I can just make up a new alien name.

Nobbinmaug said...

I forgot my link:

Ann V Friend said...

Hannelore Adler (SteampunkCowCorn) said...

Finally posted my Theme reveal, it´s on place #209! yay, I made it! Looking forward to Reading as many blog posts as I can. :D said...

Hello - I tried to post to the theme reveal but it is closed. It is 6:50 pm Pacific Time. What time zone are these posted in? Is there anyway to reopen theme reveals taking time zones into account? said...

Well.... I'll reveal here. My theme is the A B C's of Alphabet Books - yes, I'm blogging about the ABC's!

Akasha said...

I don’t understand. Not all of the bloggers posted links to their themes.

Charan Deep Singh said...

I missed filling theme reveal sheet. Now what to do

Charan Deep Singh said...

Signed up for the challenge but missed the deadline for theme reveal post sign up. It is my third year in the row and here is my theme reveal post. Theme Reveal #AtoZChallenge 2019


Janet Cobb said...

I missed the theme reveal but signed up through the google form. How do I access the Master List?