Tuesday, March 5, 2019

#AtoZChallenge Sign Up!

Hey you. Yes, you. It's time to sign up for the A to Z Blog Challenge!

Don't delay! Sign up for the A to Z Challenge today!



Beth Lapin said...

Where can I see the list of those who signed up? I believe I did, but would like to verify. Thanks.

Keith's Ramblings said...

Me too!

rhodrymavelyne said...

This has become a yearly ritual where my characters get a chance to talk or mouth off. (wry grin) Not that they haven't already taken over both Cauldrons (my blogs)

Slogans, Catch lines Tag lines said...

Hi All exited to participate again this year!!!

J Lenni Dorner said...

Please see the latest post.

Aditi Kapur said...

Where can I find the latest information about A to Z challenge?

Jillian said...

Accidently put the wrong blog address on my first attempt at signing up & couldn't work out how to edit response. So signed in again. Correct one is feedmyfamilyblog.com Can you delete sign up for feedmyfamilyblog.wordpress.com? Thanks

mercury said...

Just joined up - never done this before but it could be the spur to getting more content on my blog......

KC said...

Okay.....read the above comments; no indication on "how to sign up"