Friday, November 2, 2018

A Jubilant Guest Post from Jill of J-Dub's Grin and Bear It

Hello everyone. My name is Jill and my blog is J-Dub's Grin and Bear It. I began blogging in earnest in July of 2016 as a way to deal with the newness of an empty nest. I had no idea then just how much I would gain from the blogging experience. Opened up a whole new world. Cheers bloglandia!!!

This month, I was lucky enough to be chosen for a guest spot on the Blogging A to Z Challenge. Pinch me I must be dreaming. I feel just like Sally Field (no s).

You Like me! Right now, you like me!

Um don't get ahead of yourself Jilly beans. "They" whoever "they" are don't even know you yet. Trust is earned. Ya-da, Ya-da. Blah, blah, blah. So on and so forth.

Any Who, what was I thinking by dropping my name in the virtual hat?

You weren't thinking at all. Yep! Most likely you silly, silly girl. You who needs to learn to slow her roll. You were thinking that you wanted to show off. Perhaps? You were thinking that you have a desperate need to be liked. Maybe?

C'mon, we're all friends here in bloglandia. You can admit it. You want human connection. And you are not alone! Check out this article The Science of You Like Me.

Go on, click the link and take a quick read. We'll wait!

You're back! Wasn't that great?

And now you can feel the theme developing.

Drum roll puhleese!

rata-tat-tat, rata-tat-tat, rata-tat-tat

The Mandela Effect

What the what have we here? That Oscar Speech and more. I could get into a real rat hole. Mass mis-remembering as in Sally Field (no-s) and what she really said in her Oscar speech is captured above compared to what people remember. There was no REALLY in the line. See the following eight examples of the Mandela effect phrased in question form:
  1. Did Nelson Mandela die in jail?
  2. How many states does the America have? Hint NOT 51 or 52 :)
  3. Berenstein or Berenstain Bears?
  4. Jif or Jiffy Peanut Butter?
  5. Forrest Gump – Life IS like a box of chocolates, or Life WAS like a box of chocolates?
  6. Looney Tunes or Looney Toons?
  7. Oscar Meyer or Oscar Mayer?
  8. Did Rich Uncle Pennybags aka the Monopoly man have a monocle or no monocle?

So let's play a game shall we? Please answer in the comments what you think the correct responses are to the questions above? No fair using Google. Yes I know that Mr. Google is our friend but that'd be cheating. :)


John Holton said...

1. No, 2. 50, 3. Berenstain Bears, 4. Jif, 5. Life is like a box of chocolates (in the book, he says "Bein a idiot ain't no box o' chocolates"), 6. Looney Tunes, 7. Oscar Mayer, 8. No. How'd I do?

Janet said...

I agree with John (except I didn't read the book so I'm not sure about that quote). Great post Jill!

Dan said...

1. No, 2. 50, 3. No clue, 4. Jif, 5. Life is like a box of chocolates, 6. Looney Tunes, 7. Oscar Mayer, 8. No.

Wendy said...

Hard not to be influenced by previous answers but here goes:

1. No
2. 50
3. Berenstein
4. Jif
5. IS
6. Looney toons
7. Oscar Meyer
8. a monocle

J-Dub said...

All but one :). Answers to be revealed @ 11/15

J-Dub said...

Thanks Janet!

J-Dub said...

Very close minus 2 ;)

J-Dub said...

Thanks for playing!! 4 out of 8, not bad. You are in good company considering this post was all about mass mis-remembering. Answers to be revealed @ 11/15.

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Very helpful article, Thank you for sharing. I love you
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