Monday, October 22, 2018

Upcoming Schedule of Events! #AtoZChallenge Please Share This!

Upcoming Guest Posts

The following are date ranges. Exact dates in those ranges are up to the winners.
  • October (5 to 18) Debbie Stott [already posted]
  • October (19 to 31) Laura Roberts of Buttontapper Press
  • November (1 to 15) J-Dub
  • November (16 to 30) Sonia Chatterjee
  • December (1 to 15) Janet Miles of A Smile 4 U from Janet
  • December (16 to 31) Tupeak Hope
  • January (1 to 15) 2019 Wendy of Wendy's Waffle
  • January (16 to 31) 2019 Shalzmojo
  • February (1 to 14) 2019 Camille Flores
  • February (15 to 28) 2019 Tom of true north bricks [Has not responded yet, but this was the only unclaimed date.]

JANUARY 7-18 2019

First Annual #AtoZChallenge Book Reviews, Tour, and Blog Hop SIGN UP

WEEKDAYS in February 4 to 28 2019

First Annual #AtoZChallenge Book Reviews, Tour, and Blog Hop
19 days total

March 1 2019

A to Z Sign Ups OPEN
(Closes on April 6.)

March 18 2019

(Closes on March 28.)

APRIL 1 2019


Our tenth anniversary! Celebrate with us.

May 3 2019

A to Z Challenge after survey OPENS
(Closes on May 17)

May 6 2019

Reflections OPENS
(Closes on May 17)

May 20 2019

Road trip 2019 OPENS

It would be great if you could share this post to help us spread the word. Thanks!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Delight in this Guest Post by Debbie from Dibzzen

Hello, fellow 2018 A to Z Challenge bloggers!

I'm Debbie from Everyday Delights ( I was delighted to be one of the survey respondents who won the chance to write a guest post for the A to Z Challenge. The brief for the post was open. I thought it would be good if I could find a way to link it to my A to Z challenge and the alphabet whilst hopefully making it interesting! I also wanted to give readers a sense of what my blog is all about. Not as easy as you would think!

2018 was my first A to Z challenge. My little Lego friend Dabelle went on a quest to understand South African English and she did very well. She found at least one word for each letter but was completely exhausted at the end of it. She discovered that she needed to fall back on her Feel Good List to help her feel less frazzled. All her A to Z adventures are available from one post. Click on the image to access it.

Dabelle A to Z 2018 © Deborah Ann Stott 2018
Dabelle A to Z 2018 © Deborah Ann Stott 2018

Dabelle tends to get all the fun adventures, so I decided to go on a quest of my own. We all need adventure at some point or other, right? My quest would be to come up with a Feel Good List based on the letters of the alphabet. I've talked about my Feel Good List on my blog before. I have a list already, but not one that uses all letters of the alphabet! The list reflects the small things that I do often that bring me joy, make me feel better when I need a boost in energy or to find some balance in the hectic-ness of life.

Some background

For readers who don't follow my blog, let me give you a little background. A few weeks ago I had an epiphany about joy in my life. I decided that rather than fighting it or waiting for some arbitrary time in the future for my life to be joyous and/or happy, I could really just start living joyfully! Right now! I plan to document when and how these moments occur on my blog of course. I suppose you could call it research into Living Joyfully. My research is not limited to my own experiences either and I am eager to hear other views about what brings joy to your life and how it happens for different people.

A to Z Feel Good List

Ta da! So here's the list. It took me a few days to come up with ideas for E, K, V and X, but I got there. I hope you enjoy it. I'd love to see / hear about your Feel Good List if you care to share it!A to Z feel good list © Deborah Ann Stott 2018

I'm looking forward to next year's A to Z challenge, although I don't have the faintest idea of what I will do! I read in the survey feedback, that some people plan way ahead and even write the posts way ahead. Aikona, eish - I'm super impressed, that's organisation for you!

Debbie blog sign off 2018
If you want to know more about me or my blog, click on my signature.