Thursday, September 20, 2018

Stupendous #AtoZChallenge 2018 Wonderful Event Feedback PART FOUR

After the A to Z challenge 2018, there was an Event Feedback survey.

Break out your potato crisps, chips, or French Fries! This is a week of long posts!

potato crisps, chips, or French Fries

27. Why did you take part in the A to Z Challenge 2018?

Collection of answers:

Been doing it for years. It's a tradition.
I'm new to blogging and it looked like fun!
I enjoy discovering new blogs because of the challenge.
Making a connection with fellow bloggers. Engagement.
To find some like-minded bloggers.
It keeps me motivated to post.
To learn and evolve as a writer.
To grow and promote my blog.
Motivation to do research.
I love the community feel of the challenge.
Challenge my creativity.
I love participating - both writing and reading other posts.
Needed to prove I could.
For fun.
Intrigued after seeing other bloggers do it previously.
The discipline.
To learn more about blogging.
Our blogger group wanted to take part.
Defeat writers' block / procrastination.

28. Do you follow us on Twitter?

Half answered that they follow!

14% follow the co-hosts. @ArleeBird , @JLenniDorner , @TarkabarkaHolgy , @OneHandTyping , @JRVincente

26% search for the #AtoZChallenge hashtag on Twitter.

29. Did you use the #AtoZChallenge hashtag or share the link to the A to Z website on *other* social media sites?

In order of popularity:
  1. G+ / Google Plus 54%
  2. Pinterest 33%
  3. Instagram 31%
  4. LinkedIn
  5. Tumblr
  6. StumbleUpon (*Which is now Mix)
  7. Reddit

30. Any feedback about our online presence/ social media?

  • More active participation on Instagram and Pinterest.
  • I didn't even know there was a Facebook page.
  • I found that letter posts on Facebook were inconsistent.
  • You do a great job and cannot expect to fulfill everyone's needs.
  • I think the Twitter feed is pretty quiet. I know that I didn't get a RT or like for any tweets during April.
  • I'd like to see more of the A to Z Challenge on Instagram! -- Laura Roberts of Buttontapper Press

31. Are there any other blogging categories you feel we should include?

Advice/ How-to
Midlife - there are a lot of AtoZers in this age group
Opinions, ideas, projects, thought-provoking discussions
country specific
Children's stories/ blogs
Kid Lit
Art commentary, or just visual art in general
environment and words
break "art" into more categories
continuous 26 part story
Emotional Health
Science, Midlife & Beyond Women bloggers, Lifestyle
Multi niche category.
Something more specifically to music, rather than placing it under entertainment
"You should have some way for people to include a short description of their blog. "Other" is too vague. When we check "other" maybe include a space for the short description." --Dena Pawling of denapawling

32. Any overall feedback for the event?

This year, the lists felt a little more complicated. Not sure why participation dropped. Would love for this to keep going.

I loved being able to sort the categories. Please don't go back to the old system.

Best one yet.

The announcement needs to be in January, so I know the event will happen.


Do it twice a year!

I prepare over months in advance.

There were still some dead links.

New system was easy and quick. I liked it.

I love the addition of the Daily Links!

Everything I needed was right there on your blog!

I'm not sure every blog on the list was actually a blog.

Getting rid of the Linky List was genius. Google sheets was a terrific move.

Please add the ability to include a topic entry on both the master and especially the daily lists.

Three people wrote they like the new logo in general, but prefer the old logo as a background for the Daily Letters (or didn't like this years letters).

Loved, loved, loved it - thanks for all your hard work. And please continue the challenge!

I also should have watched all of the instructional videos, since I had no idea I could attach my pre-scheduled links.

"I became involved in this event when it first started, and have done it several times. I think it is a great idea for multiple reasons, and think you guys have done an awesome job of both organizing it and getting the word out."

"I liked the google sheets, especially because they were sortable. I thought the daily sign-up sheets were a benefit because I was assured there would be a post. Unlike the master sheet which could lead to a blog that had not kept up with the challenge. Perhaps the daily sheet could provide a field for the title of the post for that day. "-- "495"

"People need to turn off CAPTCHA and that other garbage that prevents comments and engage with other bloggers! So many people would have had comments from us but the process for leaving a comment required: captcha, sign in to WordPress, sign in to blogger, a blood sample, a urine sample, plus a first born child. In the end, some people still didn't engage with their commenters. (It makes me wonder: what do they think a blog hop is for?)" -- Shelina of www.dragonsandspaceships and

"I have done other blog link ups before but none this organized or supportive. Participating in this event definitely increased my site stats."-- Donna Connolly of retirement reflections

"I just appreciate the crafts category. Yes, I do sell on Etsy, but no, my blog is not just about selling. In fact it's mostly Not about selling and I appreciate the chance to expose that fact." - Stephanie Finnell of katy trail creations

"The master and daily lists should include the actual name of the authors. Some left a comment using their real name, and there was no way to find out the URL of their blog and therefore return the visit." --Tamara Gerber of The Three Gerbers

"I liked when the daily list allowed us to see the title of each post. Sometimes a particular interesting title brought me to a post I might not otherwise visit. This year we could see only the name of the blog, and most of the links didn't have much of a visible title in them." --Anne Nydam of

"I loved it as always, and this time, it was very user friendly too. The Google sheets and Google form were better than the Linky, and helped find and sort similar categories. I hope this is continued into AtoZ Challenge Year 10." --Vinay Leo R. of art of leo

"I used a linky on someone's blog to sign up. The admins never added me."
~~ There was no other location to sign up. The co-hosts did not sign up anyone.

One more post to go! Tomorrow will include WINNERS!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Really appreciate all the work the admins put into this.