After the A to Z challenge 2018, there was an Event Feedback survey.
Break out your potato peeler, folks, it's time for a week of long posts!
Here are the results:
1. On a scale of 1๐ to 5๐, how satisfied were you with the Blogging from A to Z Challenge 2018?
Over 88% of respondents were ๐ or ๐! Only one person was totally unsatisfied.
2. How relevant, useful, and/or helpful do you think the hop was for you and your blog?

3. 2018 A to Z logos on your blog:
- 56% said they created a post with a logo in March.
- And 49% support the challenge with a logo on the blog's sidebar / widget area.
- Slightly more than half include it with April posts.
- Eight people never noticed the Banners/ Badges page tab on the top of the A to Z site, and thus didn't know about the logos!
- 28% only used the letters that match the new logo, not the logo itself.
- Only 1% answered that they don't use our logos to show support of this blog hop challenge.

4. Which of these List methods did you use for the 2018 challenge?
The overwhelming majority responded that they were on the Master List.
Only 14% had pre-scheduled post links on the Daily Lists.
But 69% included direct links on the Daily Lists after their posts were published.
Less than 5% of people didn't sign up on the lists, or thought they signed up but then couldn't find themselves.
A few people reported that they stopped using or missed out on a few of the daily links.
And since it came up in a write-in reply:
The A to Z Challenge uses feedburner to run the email list.
5. Which of these statements apply for the 2018 A to Z Challenge?
12%= I did not share links to my blog, but I did the challenge.
NO ONE only commented on blogs, but did not create blog posts.
30%= I visited the A to Z website each day in April and read the posts from the co-hosts/guests.
55%= I visited the A to Z website some days in April and read the posts from the co-hosts/guests.
8 people did not visit the A to Z website in April, and did NOT read the posts from the co-hosts/guests.
20%= I have links to my blog posts in the comments on the A to Z main webpage.
8%= I have links to my blog posts in the comments on the A to Z Wordpress site.
8 people marked "none of the above."
"I used the theme reveal to make a list of blogs to check in on during April, which I did." - Anonymous
Posts I created (days) late were not able to be added on the daily link lists.
Could not link in the comments on A-Z wordpress.
"After the first couple days I started to use a link under the letter badge with a comment hinting at what the team post was about so folks could go check the AtoZ site out." Cheryl Carter of promptlings
I made pins on Pinterest for each A to Z blog posts.
Too overwhelming.
Mainly promoted on Pinterest.
I was not aware there was a A to Z website. Saw this on a blog I follow.
Master list, starting from the end of the list, I visited every blog on that list, commenting on many of them.
I didn't notice the difference between the Wordpress and main site (Blogger) until late in the month.
"I visited the theme list and the daily list and chose almost 60 blogs to follow before the start date." - Donna McNicol of dbmcnicol.blogspot and ourprimeyears.blogspot
6. Which of these Twitter methods did you use for the 2018 challenge?
- 85 people included the #AtoZchallenge hashtag in the title of blog posts.
- 47% said they tweeted blog post links AND included the #AtoZchallenge hashtag.
- 27 people tweeted blog post links BUT DID NOT include the #AtoZchallenge hashtag.
- Only 11 respondents have links to blog posts in the comments on A TO Z Twitter posts.
- 6% used direct links on Twitter to surf to the A to Z page to read the daily posts from the co-hosts and guests.
- And 26% of the survey takers said they don't use Twitter.

#AtoZChallenge is our hashtag. @AprilA2Z is how to tag our Twitter account. Hashtags are easy to search and follow. They're a way to share a common conversation topic with anyone who is interested. When the "@" is used at the start of a tweet, it shows up in fewer places. It's a way to mention a Twitter account. More information- Click
Hashtags are used for searching. Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest all support hashtags searches. Using a hashtag in a blog title, assuming that blog post's title is shared on social media, make seaching for it easier. If the hashtag isn’t something that is being searched for, then it’s not useful. Using a hashtag can group relevant topics into a search, which increases visibility, which can mean more shares and favorites.
Blog tags or labels: Check out this article, and be sure to scroll down to "What Are the Benefits of Using Blog Tags?" Click
And here's another great article: Click -- It talks about tags (Wordpress) or Labels (Blogger). Using them can help readers find content on your blog, especially if you have a tag cloud on your sidebar/ widget area. They can be used by search engines (such as Google or Bing) to find your blog.

That answers most of the questions and addresses most of the remarks left in the "other" option box for this question.
Tune in tomorrow for more results!
This was the first Challenge I missed since the onset of the first one.
Sad about that.
I had fun reading this and then was STUNNED to see my name and blogs mentioned. Wow! Thank you! (Hoping to gain a couple new
Read my latest post about two books Better Than Good by Zig Ziglar and Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne
A Classic and A Drag!
Hey guys what happened to Spot Awards for survey participation. A guest post?
Thank YOU for the excellent feedback!
This would have been just one post. But it got SO FREAKING LONG.
So, I broke it up into a week of posts. Same order as the survey.
If you recall, the guest spot entry was at the end. There are 10 winners.
Thus, Friday.
It's all pre-scheduled.
Thanks for asking!
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