Tuesday, May 22, 2018

ROAD TRIP #roadtrip #AtoZChallenge 2018

#AtoZchallenge 2018 logo

The ROAD TRIP is back! 

This year, we ask that you pick ONE post from your #AtoZChallenge 2018 offerings to link it up.

Which post that you published this year was your favorite? That's the one you put in the link up. JUST ONE DIRECT LINK PER PERSON/ BLOG.

Signing up for the Road Trip is a commitment that you will continue to hop to other blogs on the road trip from May thru March. 

That gives you ten months to stop at each blog on this list at least once. (Yes, you may skip Adult blogs if you are a minor or unwilling to view such content.) Please, first comment on the person's linked A to Z blog post, and then consider surfing to the person's latest post to comment there as well. 

Be sure to include this phrase in your comments:
"Stopping by from the #AtoZChallenge Road Trip!"

Here's where you put the direct link to your favorite 2018 A to Z post from your blog: 


The form will remain open until June 23, 2018. Please remember to link directly to a post you published for the A to Z challenge in April 2018. 

(Your link will probably look long, as it likely includes your title in the link. If you only see your blog name, that's not a direct link to your post. Try visiting your blog -- not where you WRITE the posts, but where others go to view your posts-- and clicking on the date or on the title of your posts. That should bring up just the post, making it easy to copy the direct link. If you need help, please ask in the comments -- include a link to your blog and the letter of the post of which you need a direct link.

And here's the sheet to use to keep your commitment to visit others on the road trip:


Yes, you may hop to the blogs on the list to comment even if you don't sign up for the road trip, and even if you weren't in the Blogging from A to Z challenge 2018. 

#AtoZchallenge 2018 logo 2


Shirley Corder said...

This looks like fun and a way to get more mileage out of our hard-written posts. Not sure if I fully understand the concept, but for this month I gather we have to chose the post that got the most attention? Am I right?

Charan Deep Singh said...

My favorite post in 2018 challenge was about influential conversations
Conversations that influenced me

Charan Deep Singh said...

What happened to guest posts spot awards?

Charan Deep Singh said...

my latest post is a book review of A Whole New Mind by Daniel H Pink

Read here A Whole New Mind

Heather Erickson said...

I didn't do the Road Trip last year because I was new to the A to Z and didn't completely understand it. This year, I already planned on continuing to visit the participating blogs. I've always enjoyed road trips. You meet great people, see interesting sites, learn new things. I'm raring to go!
Heather Erickson Author/Writer/Speaker and
Facing Cancer with Grace

Janet said...

Is there a way to note on the spreadsheet which blogs I have visited for my own records? I'm new to Google docs and don't know how/where to save them for myself. Thanks!

Janet said...

Never mind, I figured it out! Yay me :)

retirementreflections said...

I'm greatly enjoying the Road Trip so far. I've been visiting 3 or 4 'A to Z' posts each night. In this way, I don't rush through any of them.

Shirley Corder said...

I'm visiting 4 -5 5 blogs each morning and it's great to catch up on the posts I missed during the month.

Charan Deep Singh said...

Read my latest post Men Without Women : Book Review

Charan Deep Singh said...

When is the guest post spot awards are going to happen

Charan Deep Singh said...

Today I wrote about the Third Room in our lives, wherein I re-visited few places from my childhood.

Read The Third Room

Charan Deep Singh said...

Hi J Lenni Dorner, when are guest post spots going to get awarded.