You have reached the end of the 2018 A to Z Challenge! Whew! Whether you planned it, winged it, stumbled or breezed through it, you deserve a pat on the back! Good job!
And now, go get some sleep.
Literally. Figuratively. Go and relax. Take some time off. Do something lazy and fun. Don't forget: Relaxing is important. Us writer-y, bloggy types tend to constantly go for the rush of writing, or feel like we should be writing, or thinking about writing. But it is just as important to let your brain rest occasionally, and recuperate for the next project.
So. Go sleep it off, and don't feel bad about it! We'll see you on May 7th for the Reflections posts!

If you wish to include a direct link to your blog post of this day's letter, please click:
This form will close in 48 hours.
The A to Z team recommends TimeAndDate or WorldTimeBuddy for your time zone calculation needs.
We post at Midnight GMT.
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the standard by which all time zones are based. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is the time zone used for UTC. That's why we use it.
If you wish to visit other blogs in this bloghop challenge who have incorporated today's letter into their current post, please click:
(If you intend to make a copy of the spreadsheet, we suggest waiting until the form closes.)
Click for the MASTER LIST of all participants who signed up for the #AtoZchallenge 2018!
Once again Jeremy Hawkins has designed a special T shirt to commemorate this year's challenge.
2018 Blogging from A to Z Challenge T shirts now available! For info visit A to Z T shirts.
Wooo! We did it! By the way, ZZZzzz was definitely my Z post last year because after a month like April, you definitely want to sleep. Too bad it's Monday.
Wolf of Words
Congrats, everyone! :)
Congratulations to everyone who's blog I made it to and those I did not. Well done!!!
FYI - I am behind on reading and will catch up over the next few days. If you commented on my last couple of posts and have not seen a return visit from me, you will see me soon!
Emily In Ecuador | Zapatos in Puerto Lopez, Ecuador
Taking some time off sounds rather pAwesome but I probably won't do that until June and even then I plan to not vanish completely. I've done that in the past, though. Thanks for hosting such great fun this month and I'll be looking forward to joining this annual event next year.
~Curious as a Cathy
A2Z iPad Art Sketch 'Z' for Zinnias
Z for Zero Crunches
Ordered a t-shirt this year as a treat for myself. Figure a 5th year completed should have something to remember it by :) Thanks to the hosts once again!! You're all pretty awesome!
Stephanie Finnell
@randallbychance from
Katy Trail Creations
Seriously need some Zzzzz now!
Can't seem to relax anyhow!
Blogging #AToZChallenge promises to keep:)
Pending posts to write before I sleep!
Heartiest Congrats to all who have completed the Challenge successfully.
Wanna visit the "Garden of Heaven" with me?
Hop on to my Blog quickly :)
Z For Zoological Park - Nandankanan With White Tigers! - Anita
We MADE it! Congratulations to all!!!
The Music of David Bowie - Z is for "Ziggy Stardust"
Maybe not the most original but catching my ‘Z’ on the boat!!
Thanks for running this event!! You have reignited my love for writing daily!!
Last day of the challenge. But a beginning of a great blogging year. Z if for Zoom-in. Would you look at your memories in a new light. Read Zoom in
It was a fun event as always and I liked the list changes you made. Congrats to everyone.
Z has arrived and it's great to be here in such awesome company. I've caught the posting bug so posted something for Wednesday already - but not A to Z.
Anyway Z is -
Phew made it! Just! Thanks to the team for all your encouragement and support.
This challenge was exhausting and exhilarating at the same time. I'm so proud of myself. My blog needed a good jump-start and this was a great answer! Thank you for all the hard work you and your crew put in to make this happen!
Passing Down the Love #AtoZ
Finally!! Made it - with a few catch up posts - but I did it! thank you to everyone in the community - the hosts for hosting this wonderful challenge every year and to all the bloggers who visit and interact and comment and make it all worthwhile.
Here is my final catch-up post - Playing catch up again -this time, XYZing my way to the end of the alphabet
Z for Zest
I have no idea how I did it... but I did! YAY!!! Z is for "Zombie":
Congratulations team bloggers. I loved being part of it. Thanks to everyone.
Note: I just wondered that India was not in Country last while tried to buy T-shirt. Might be some technical issue. Please check.
Huge congratulations to everyone! I didn't get to read you all, but visit my site and leave a LIVE link with a comment and I'll definitely pop in and leave a comment for you. Here's a list of all topics covered in A to Z 2018 Blogging Challenge in case you missed any posts.
Congrats to all who made it through.
Thanks for the amazing and interesting post and effort ! Please keep sharing more such article.
I've really like your blog and inspire me in many ways.
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